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morning came and woozi woke up early to take care of seonghwa. he knew that the younger boy will go to school and he have to make breakfast for them. he won't be coming to the studio anyways.

"hyung?" seonghwa called out and he smiled at him as he saw the younger coming to him while rubbing his eyes.

"did i woke you up? have a seat and let's have a talk" woozi said and he sat across the older and smiled at him.

"h-hyung i just want to say sorry about last night. if i didn't came barging in the middle of the night, maybe you and your friend will still be okay" seonghwa stated and shook his head.

"don't think it's your fault. i was planning to come out to him last night so you being here is helpful. i don't have to be alone worrying things" then seonghwa was relieved that woozi said that.

"thanks for letting me stay the night. i promise to make it up to you, hyung" he replied and he started to eat his breakfast.

"this is my number and you have to call me if your father came up to you again. i'm always here to help you. now clean up and you can go to school. i just have to talk to someone important"

then woozi walked out of the veranda, dialing wonwoo's number.

"woozi?? are you okay?? do you want me to come over??"

"so you heard about it? i'm fine though. you don't have to come here. i know you're busy"

"that asshole. thank the universe he came to jeonghan hyung last night or else i'm gonna beat the shit out of him"

"i don't care anymore. i have seen this coming and i expected already that he'll be an asshole he is"

"you still like him? i mean, i don't blame you. i see how he treats you and if i were on your shoes, i'll also fall in love with him. he's careless and too clingy. but now? that he have to insult that boy staying in your house? no. he's cancelled. now that he knew that you were gay, he still can't stop insulting people like us. that kind of person should rot in hell"

"wonwoo, as much as possible i don't want to talk ill just because he's like that. he's still our best friend. i know there is a reason for him to be like that. maybe you're right, it is unacceptable for him to be an asshole even after knowing i'm gay. okay fine that's out of the line but we have to hear him out sometimes"

"no woozi. i will say whatever the hell i want to say to him. so he's the only one who can talk freely about people like us? so we should be the only ones who should understand them just because we're best friends? no. first of all if he really values this friendship, he will apologize to you when you kicked him out. but guess what? he left because he can't handle having gay people around him. that bastard"

"it's okay. i understand your point wonwoo. i'm on your side, okay? for now... i guess we just have to stop talking about him and we have to focus on our lives"

"so the boy you are helping? is he okay? because of that narrow-minded fuck he have to double up the pain he was experiencing. poor boy. he's so young"

"i know. so as much as possible i want him to stay with me. i grew fond of him in a short amount of time. maybe because i don't have a younger brother. you know how i like our maknae line"

"okay if he needs help i'm here too. if he have to move apartments i'll help him. mingyu has a lot of buildings remember?"

"that would be a great idea! why didn't i thought of that?"

"okay mingyu's here. i have to help him pack. talk to you later"

as soon as he ended the call, he came back to seonghwa who is cleaning the dishes.

"seonghwa will you do me a favor? because, as far as i know, you have to pay back for my kindness" woozi said and the younger boy blushed.

"o-of course, hyung. as long as i can do it" he answered and woozi smiled at him but he suddenly changed his facial expression.

"i want you to leave your old apartment and move. the one that is close to your university" he stated and seonghwa's eyes widened.

"i'm sorry hyung but i can't do that. i still have to pay for this month's rent a-and moving is not easy. i-i don't have the money and i can't use the money i saved for college" he answered.

"did i say that you can say no to me? i'll help. i'm gonna pay for the rent and i already have made an agreement with the owner of the building. you're moving next week and if you feel like you're being a burden. you can pay me back little by little. i can't let you go back to that apartment knowing that your dad can be at your doorsteps any moment" seonghwa then looked at the older and he was crying.

"h-hyung thank you so much! i've been suffering for 3 years now every time my dad stop by my apartment just to beat me up. i-i can't report him to the police. my mom will hate me more" that's when woozi hugged the younger.

"it's okay. now you're fine"


okay i don't know what to write anymore. i have a list of chapters already but it's not going on to what i have planned. i really succ 진짜 미안해요 여러또끼~

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