twenty one

978 44 2

when woozi left, he was praying that wonwoo and mingyu will be okay after this event as he wants his bestfriend to be happy too. wonwoo also sacrificed his friends for woozi and that makes woozi thinks that wonwoo is a really kind person. he's just so grateful that he's there for him.


woozi turned around and he was so surprised to see a guy, looking so damn hot in his attire. that was unexpected from him since no one tried to come to him even if they see woozi in a party.

"uh h-hi?" woozi then waved a little and smiled at him before putting his hand back to his pockets. "are you one of jimin hyung or yoongi hyung's friend?"

"i-im jimin hyung's younger brother. it is true that you are yoongi hyung's brother. at first i don't believe jimin hyung but then, it is true" he said and woozi chuckled at him.

"it's nice to meet you here then. are you alone? i can be a company, though. since my friend was busy with his boyfriend inside" woozi said and he sat down eating one of the fruits that is set on the table.

"really? i-i wasn't expecting that. thank you though. i mean, i can get your autograph later, right?" the kid asked and he smiled at how cute the younger boy is.

"that was hella smooth. of course, i mean. why would you need my autograph if you can have my number? you're literally jimin hyung's brother. you're a family" woozi replied and he was amused as how the kid managed to blush at every words that woozi have said.

"i look up to you so much and i'm literally shaking right now"

"oh come on. your brother is a literal celebrity. he's famous and you don't have to think i'm a different person. i'm ordinary if you just leave out the word famous"

"b-but he's my brother and you are my idol"

"okay enough with that. we can be friends and let's introduce ourselves properly, okay? i'm lee jihoon and i'm 24 years old. i am currently a coffee shop owner and a producer"

"i'm park jihoon and i'm 23 years old. i-i am an architecture student and a part time model"


on the other side of the room, there was a guy who was observing every move that jihoon makes. he was staring deeply at jihoon's way of talking to other people and it makes him mad that it confused him. was he mad because of jihoon having a talk with other people which he don't normally do? or he's mad that he can't accept the fact that he regret that he can't appreciate gay people even if his friends are one of them?

of course he missed his bestfriend. he missed how he nag at him when he doesn't sleep early, or when he wakes up early to have a breakfast together inside woozi's studio because he knows that the small guy doesn't eat his breakfast.

"hey hoshi where's woozi and the others? why are you here alone?" hoshi was surprised that yoongi was approaching him first. so he doesn't know that we kinda... fought?

"i kinda need to answer some call and woozi was there talking to someone" hoshi lied and he suddenly though that even yoongi is gay, but more surprisingly, he wasn't affected at all.

both of them suddenly turned to jimin who is singing for his visitors and everyone was just so entertained by him. that's when he saw yoongi's smile. so genuine and he feel so proud.

"now that i think of it, it was wonderful having someone who definitely knows your personality. i was once an emo kid who doesn't want any attention. i was just an ordinary student who happens to be a lowkey nerd. i don't talk to anyone, but not until jimin came out of nowhere, sending me letters and foods. he was literally so annoying but when he left because i told him to leave me alone, i kinda regret that happening. as a jolly person he is, he has a lot of friends and he managed to avoid me, looking like he wasn't hurt by my words at all. i kinda missed him bugging me that time. i felt empty and i have done everything for him to come back.

sometimes, we just have to leave every flaws, every bad sides and everything that just looks so wrong in our eyes out of the context and you'll see a broader view in life plus... we have to face facts. we can't live normally with such way of thinking. you'll see that it is normal to be like this, it is normal to not appreciate that. everything is normal if we don't judge them and just appreciate who they are.

regretting everything in the end is the most painful thing that is going to happen to us when it comes to love. for now, i just know that jimin will always be the person who can understand me and i can't manage to lose him again. wait, i-i'm sorry i got carried away"

when hoshi turned his head to look at woozi, he realized that only woozi knows what he likes, only woozi knows his dreams, his problems, his needs and his other sides. now that he think of it, without woozi's help, without woozi's advises, he won't be enjoying his life right now. because for all we know, woozi is the reason why he's here right now.

"i-it's okay, hyung. i mean, i can definitely see that you are really in love with jimin hyung. that's cool, i guess" he replied and was so surprised at his response.

he spoke about gay people and he's not even uncomfortable at all. it sounds so normal and fine.

"i have to leave you now. my boyfriend looks like he's looking for me. good luck on everything that you do. see you around" yoongi said and left the younger boy alone. he's not dumb to not know about his brother's problems. he also knows that hoshi is a homophobic. so he kinda made an effort by the story telling. maybe that would help him a little.

as when hoshi was about to leave, he saw taehyung and jungkook laughing while holding hands.

"hoshi?! wow you're so tall now" taehyung said and gave hoshi a high five. "why are you alone here? you need company?"

"we can have a little chat, hyung. since we have already greeted everyone, except you obviously" jungkook said and both of them sat across hoshi.

"babe do you want something to eat?" taehyung asked jungkook as he was looking at the food station. "what about you, hoshi? i'll get something for us"

"it's fine, hyung. i already ate awhile ago. maybe a drink will do" hoshi replied and smiled at him.

when taehyung left, hoshi was kinda scared to talk. he feels like everything that he'll say can affect the younger since he's gay.

"jungkook can i ask you something? i mean, i'm just curious about how you knew that you were gay" hoshi wants to know all of a sudden and he's getting curious now.

he could've asked woozi the same thing if he's fine with gay people. he could've known the story on how woozi knew he was gay. he could've comforted woozi from people who hates gays, like him. he could've just accepted woozi and his other friends but he can't. he was hurt, his mother was also hurt because of gay people. they suffered a lot that's why he can't appreciate them but as of now, he was trying to get to know the differences.

"well, i just felt it when i dated this girl when i was like 17. yes at first i know i like girls since that's what they call the normal thing for a guy. but when we're about to go deeper, i realized i wasn't happy at all. i don't feel anything when we kiss and when we tried having sex. i broke up with her thinking that i just don't like her. i tried hooking up with other girls when i have entered college. but none of them satisfy me. that's when i questioned my sexuality and it turns out, i only like boys. which was not approved by many. it was scary at first because i am one of those people who hated same sex relationships because i think it was weird. but when i tried to appreciate things instead of looking on a bad side, i realized that it's not a bad thing like we thought it was. i'm so lucky to be with my boyfriend right now and it feels like he's the best that happened to me. i kinda got used to it too even though i'm hating on them since my older brother was gay too and some of my friends" jungkook explained and it hit hoshi.

he once hated gays but now he's one of them. is it really possible to change? is it really possible to stop this way of thinking?

HOMOPHOBIA | SoonHoon (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now