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all of them are waiting for woozi to come before they start the party. it's been 30 minutes now since they waited but after a few minutes, he came looking at his phone and smiling. he was talking to some guy he met at the library he went to.

"heeeey! come over here quickly! we're waiting for a while now!" jeonghan shouted and jihoon ran towards the older and sat down beside him.

take note, he always sit with hoshi to take care of his food but now, he seemed to be so busy smiling over his phone while typing endlessly.

awhile ago his phone was off. and now he's smiling like crazy talking to someone?

"woozi hyung!! don't lie to us please. you have a girlfriend, right?" seungkwan asked and they all bursted out laughing.

"oh come on. it's probably just one of his friends. woozi will never date. i can guarantee you that" thanks for the nosy wonwoo, they were convinced.

"okay tomorrow is our time with our families. i hope this party will give us a strong bond again. i know we all are really busy and we get to see each other only after a year but that doesn't mean we'll be on our own whenever we have problems. we're still here for us. we're still here to help each other out. i love you all" seungcheol said smiling and being a proud dad with his 12 sons.

after the party, they all lied down on the floor at the living room. sleeping together and talking about their past memories in high school. it's been their tradition to all sleep together in one room whenever they meet. they believed that in this situation, they'll still be the same as when they met. it's effective though. everyone is still the same. no hint of changes at all.


woozi woke up in the middle of the night so he stood up going to the kitchen to drink some water. he took out some bottle and he walked to the veranda and sat on one of the chairs.

he was looking outside while drinking his water. he was thinking on how to come out to his friends. of course not everyone is like jeonghan. he's not judging his friends but he just know that jeonghan is an angel, for sure. he's there to understand everything. he's the mom of the group for a reason. he doesn't want to lose his friends. just because of being gay he might lose everyone, including hoshi.

"hey why are you up this late?" he flinched at the talking hoshi behind him so he turned his head to see him rubbing his eyes.

"i can't sleep anymore" he answered and drank his water. "i woke up and i don't think i can go back to sleep. maybe i'll stay up until later"

"can we talk, woozi?" hoshi then sat across the smaller. "why do i feel like you're gone? i mean. we've been fine at the party. but after that, you're just gone. you even lied to us but that's not the point here. i'm totally fine with it. maybe you just had a problem but i'm your friend, right? you can lie to them, okay, i understand. but i just can't accept that you didn't tell me about it. i was upset but i have to hear you out. you can talk"

that's what woozi loved about hoshi. he's straightforward and he really say what his mind is saying. now he was mad at himself for lying not just to him. but to everyone.

"i'm sorry. i mean, i do have something going on inside me and i can't ruin everyone's fine day. this is your break from all the stress and i can't afford to just sit down and talk to you about my problems. i hope you understand. i apologize for lying. even to you" woozi stated and hoshi sat beside him. he hugged him.

"i understand that you don't want to talk right now. but maybe a hug will help. like what we always do. i'm sorry, woozi. that i have to check on you yesterday if you were really at your work place but i just thought i needed to know what is happening. but remember, if you're ready to tell me, i'm going to listen. i'm your best friend, woozi" hoshi then, tightened the hug and he rubbed his back in circles.

"i know, hoshi. thanks"

jihoon just loved the feeling of him around hoshi. how the taller guy captures him perfectly in his arms. how he seemed like a baby when they're like this. but he can't assume things. hoshi was clingy to him because they are just friends for him. but for woozi? this is the reason why he's falling deeper without noticing it.

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