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woozi was kinda confused to see dino entering last. he was waiting for hoshi but he happens to be not arriving. the party started for an hour now and the boys are having fun downstairs, drinking and dancing. so the small boy is starting to get worried so he dialed hoshi's number and waited for it to be picked up.

"hoshi? where are you? they are all here"

"i'm sorry woozi. something came up and i have to like, go back and forth to our house to be ready. i'm on my way"

"don't push it if you really can't go. i know you have a lot going on for you these days"

"no. this is a special day, woozi. just wait for me, okay?"

"okay i'll wait. but promise me to be careful and to take your time driving here. you don't have to hurry"

the call ended and he finally walked downstairs to meet his best friends.

"woozi!!!" they all screamed and hugged the small boy.

"let's go to our usual place. it's so loud in here!!!" seungcheol shouted and they all walked through the big doors of the living room. where they can hang out and talk without getting a hard time to shout, fighting the loud music.

"okay! now i can have my peaceful moment" wonwoo said and flopped on the couch holding his drink. beside him was mingyu, who is smiling and texting to his phone.

"don't mind me. i'm just having a talk with the girl that i saw awhile ago. i've missed you though" mingyu stated without even sparing them a glance.

"as expected from this playboy" seungkwan said and walked towards woozi, hugging him and squeezing him to death. "wait, am i really your friend? or i'm drunk that i can't really count? where's hoshi hyung?"

everyone of them stood up, counting each other's head and that's when they realize they were just 12. "hoshi's going to be late. don't over react" woozi said and sat down looking at his phone.

"okay how's everyone? you all look good tonight. y'all have partners already?" jeonghan asked and all of them are shaking their heads, saying that they don't have. "oh really? that's new"

"i have a thing for this new professor in our university and she's so damn gorgeous but i don't know whether to take the chance. everyone in our department was thirsting over her" jisoo replied and just smiled.

"well i still have a contract though. i still can't date" dino muttered and they all laughed at how cute he is. "even if you don't have a contract, you think jeonghan hyung will be glad for you to have a girlfriend? nuh uh" seokmin blurted out and the younger just glared at him.

"i have seungkwan right here. why would i need to find another mom? he's just there for me all the time and i can't afford to add another headache" hansol said and he received a slap from seungkwan. "you will never find a friend like me, chwe. remember that"

"fangirls are crazy nowadays. i can't even have a secret girlfriend. i still have an image to take care of. i'm everywhere in seoul and china so... i don't think i'm planning to enter a relationship yet" minghao then answered.

"i think i have one already? i mean, she was my partner in musical and we you know... some kinda hit it off i guess? we have to rehearse our kissing scenes and we gotta show everyone what a real kiss is. so we continued it at my hotel room and i can guarantee you guys. she's hot as fuck" seokmin said while closing his eyes, recalling everything that happened.

"we don't even need to know that, seokmin hyung" dino said while rolling his eyes.

"me? even if i want to? i can't date for now. i'm still working on a project and we still have to promote our movie together. we need to look like a real couple. that sucks though. i don't even like my partner" junhui muttered and drank his beer.

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