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it was a rainy night when woozi decided to stay in his apartment. it was his off and he thought of staying indoors, probably gonna watch his favorite series on netflix and drink his hot coffee.

as he was scrolling through his television, someone rang his doorbell and he kinda scratched the back of his head. like, who would be here in the middle of the night?

as he opened the door, it was soonyoung. with a wet hair and a smile plastered on his face.

"what are you doing here?" woozi asked, walking inside leaving the doors for hoshi to close.

"i want to hang out" hoshi replied and he locked the door, following woozi.

"you know it's late, right? we can just hang out in the morning. why waste your energy to go here when it's pouring outside? go get some towels and clothes to change into. i'm too lazy to take care of you. i'm just gonna get you coffee" woozi said then stood up leaving to make coffee but then hoshi held his hand.

"hoshi wha-

hoshi hugged him so tight that he was so surprised. is he going on through something?

"woozi i missed you" said the older and he was just so sick of this. how the hell hoshi cling onto him like this? how the hell he make woozi's heart flutter? they are just friends for fuck sake! why does he feel like there is something between them? is this what a bestfriend be like? do they hug like this? do they beg for attention? what is the right thing to do towards a bestfriend? with normal intentions?

"hoshi what's wrong? i mean... l-let go please" woozi said trying to break the hug.

"i don't want to think about this but i feel like you're ignoring me. you're avoiding my presence and i can't even have the attention i want whenever i need comfort. i should be the one asking you that. what is wrong? what happened between us? what can i possibly do for you to be back? at first i'm convincing myself that you're just busy but you always make time for me. how can you reason out your work to me when in the first place, that's not even an obstacle for us to tackle just to see each other. we always free ourselves when it comes to hanging out, right?"

hoshi's words stung into woozi's. it feels like he's begging for attention and love. it feels like he's really missing woozi and he somehow became selfish. just because he can't tell hoshi his secret, doesn't mean he have to avoid him. he's jumping into his own conclusion and he's doing it terribly wrong by lying.

"i'm sorry" that's all woozi can say for now. he can't reason out anymore. he caused a problem whereas hoshi is the only one suffering.

"please don't be mad at me that's why you did that. please tell me you're just really busy. that i am just being paranoid" he said and woozi was speechless.

while still hugging each other, the doorbell rang for a few times. thank the universe that woozi is able to let go of the hug and to avoid the talk.

"i'm just gonna get the door and you go take a shower. i'll be right back"

when he left to open the door, a soaking wet, crying seonghwa suddenly came at his doorsteps and he somehow melted by seeing the younger boy like that. he even have bruises on the side of his lips.

"what the fuck? what happened to you?" he then held the boy inside and ran to the room to get some towels. "here dry yourself and i'll just turn on the heater"

as he gave the coffee to the younger, he observed him and he saw that he's still quivering because of the cold and crying.

"you think you can talk? i mean, i'm not forcing you into anything. you can talk whenever you feel like it" woozi said and the younger started to cry.

"m-my dad. he came to my a-partment. he was d-drunk and he's mad" woozi was so sad about what happened to seonghwa so he walked towards him and hugged him. "it's okay. take it easy, seonghwa. come on. take a deep breath"

"woozi?" the small boy's eyes widened when he heard hoshi coming out of his room. "what's happening?"

"oh my god i'm so sorry that i've barged in without thinking. i-i should go. i mean, i didn't know that you are with your boyfriend. i'm so sorry hyung" seonghwa said and that's when woozi thought, he fucked up big time.

HOMOPHOBIA | SoonHoon (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now