twenty two

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a week after the incident happened.......

"okay everyone, since it is our free time, you can have fun and play with your friends until your parents are here to take you home. remember the rules. sharing is what we should do, fighting is not good for us and communicating is always important. okay? if someone pushed you or took something from you, what would you do?" jeonghan asked the kids.

"tell them it's not good to hurt other people and it's not good to take things that aren't yours! if they don't listen, tell hannie ssaem!"

(ssaem is the shortcut of sonsaengnim which means, teacher)

"okay good. but first you all have to help hannie ssaem to clean your toys, okay?" then all of them obeyed by picking up the scattered books onto the floor.

jeonghan then sat down to collect the puzzle pieces and put it back to the jar. he was feeling so sad and down to be having another activity before the day ends. the kids are the only one that helps him get away with stress but right it's too much that it makes him wanna cry and just sleep on his bed.

"cheol ahjussi!!"

(ahjussi means uncle)

jeonghan was so fast to look at the door to see seungcheol carrying the two kids in his arms. he was smiling at them and started to play with them.

"do you mind if i take hannie ssaem for a minute? we have to talk about something important. is that okay?" seungcheol said and jeonghan automatically stood up, fixing his uniform.

"yes ahjussi!!"

as usual, they went inside one of the rooms that were not on use as of now. that's where they do their thing when seungcheol visits jeonghan. either talk about the kids, or the members or the memories that were remembered by each other but now it's different. jeonghan doesn't feel like talking. he was just there. looking at his feet, not even giving seungcheol a look.

"hannie" seungcheol called but the other refused to look up. "come on, please look at me"

for seungcheol, it's just another episode of jeonghan getting mad at him. he knows how to handle the younger. he knows what to do or what to say whenever jeonghan is mad or doesn't feel like talking.

"yoon jeonghan" that's when jeonghan finally gave seungcheol a look then he started to cry and it made seungcheol melt. "we've already talked about this, right? i told you that whatever happens. i'm here"

seungcheol then hugged jeonghan, capturing him perfectly in his arms as he gave jeonghan a few kisses on his head and he smiled at the familiar scent that he happened to miss for a few days.

"no. leave. y-you left me. you didn't call or message. you told me you'll be here whenever i need you but you were gone and not here" he was still crying and he's hitting seungcheol's chest.

"i'm sorry baby. i know i'm wrong. i made a mistake, okay? i'm really sorry. please forgive me" seungcheol calmly said while pulling the younger closer to him.

"b-but you left us. you even took my ring. you didn't say about anything while i confessed that i'm bisexual. i-i thought you hated me. i-i thought it was a mistake to gather everyone and let them fight like that without knowing how to handle them. it was my fault that woozi and wonwoo have to leave. i was so sad that i can't talk to hoshi properly. i feel like everyone hates me now. i know you hate me too" seungcheol started to rub his back and shushing him to calm down.

"i know. i know i made a mistake by leaving you like that. i made a mistake for not going here to see you. i made a mistake for not comforting you. it's my fault that you have to suffer like this. i should've just stayed by your side. i should've just told you that even after knowing you're bisexual, you're still you. the beautiful yoon jeonghan that i fell in love with. you are my everything, han. you are the most precious person that the universe gave me. it's hard to talk that time because you were in a really bad mood and i thought that we all have to calm down that's why i left. taking your rings will also make everyone realize the importance of our friendship. trust me. everything will be okay soon. we just have to wait. but for now. i'm gonna give this to you"

seungcheol then took the small box out of his pocket and he opened it. jeonghan was surprised to see a ring and that is a whole different ring, not their friendship ring.

"i know that this is really a bad timing. i'm here to apologize but i want you to know that i love you. i'm so damn in love with you that i won't take no as an answer. jeonghan i want you to be mine. i am dreaming for this to happen but then i always back off when i think that maybe you're not gay. when we talk about our exes, i want to take you home and make you feel like you don't have to talk about them anymore. i am gay and i happen to not realize it not until you came at me drunk and telling me that i have pretty eyes, nose and lips. that you want me to be yours but you're just scared. remember? when you woke up with me on my bed? that time when we accidentally kissed and we both blushed?"

jeonghan was so speechless and he doesn't know what to say. he stood there, not giving the older any reactions. seungcheol was scared for a moment. what if jeonghan won't accept him? what if jeonghan rejected him?

"come on, hannie. say something please" seungcheol pleaded and he then closed the box as he sees no response at all. "i'm sorry for putting pressure on you"

"i love you too" jeonghan said and cupped seungcheol's cheeks, looking at his eyes. he leaned closer and their lips connected. the feeling of the sudden intimacy gave shivers to jeonghan's spine. he was dreaming for this to happen. to finally do what he wants towards the older. the kiss was passionate, lovely and addicting. their lips fit perfectly towards each other that jeonghan was getting drunk at the moment. "gosh seungcheol, take me home"

when seungcheol heard him say that, he deepened the kiss and he carried jeonghan all the way to the desk not breaking the kiss at all. he sat jeonghan down as he moved closer towards the latter snaking his hands around his waist and jeonghan automatically draped his arms around seungcheol's neck as the kiss was turning into a hot mess. the older traveled to his jaw, down to his neck and leaving small bite marks as jeonghan moaned by the sensitive new feeling.

"gosh yoon jeonghan you're making me crazy" seungcheol said and kissed jeonghan one more time on the lips before looking at him straight in the eyes.

"will you take this ring?" seungcheol asked and once again, he opened the small box and took the ring. "well it's not that you have a choice"

"it's not just you who prepared something. i was planning on giving this to you too but i'm so scared that you might find out that i like you" jeonghan replied and took off his necklace that is lacing around his neck. surprisingly, it was also a ring. "i've been wearing this for awhile now because it made me think of you when i miss you"

both of them put on their rings and they smiled at the thought of having the same idea of proposing to each other.

"now that we're okay, we have to do something about the group and it's time to announce that we're finally in a relationship" seungcheol said and gave jeonghan a peck. "i missed you so much. i forgot to say"

"i missed you too"

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