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"please soonyoung, baby. don't do this to me. y-you love me! you said it!!"

"get the hell away from me you disgusting piece of shit! i can't even think about having a family with you! i will never be gay and i will never like you, jihoon! remember that i didn't even love you one bit"

"n-no! you promised that you will never leave me. please don't do this! you're just mad! let's talk about this!"

"leave me alone! don't you ever think of talking about family again because i never imagined living with you for the rest of my life. hell i don't even think of having a family with you!"

"why are you h-hurting me. you told me you love me. you told me that you will never leave me and you will never hurt me"

"goodbye, jihoon"

woozi then woke up, beads of sweat falling from his forehead and tears brimming on the corner of his eyes. even if it was just a dream, it felt so real. he doesn't know whether to fall from it or not. those words that he fears of hearing from his boyfriend was loud and clear through that dream.

"s-soonyoung? w-where are you?" he called out as he saw the empty side of the bed. there was no signs of soonyoung at all.

the door opened and soonyoung's eyes widened and he ran towards the sobbing boy.

"baby what happened? why are you crying?" hoshi asked and he hugged the smaller boy while rubbing his back. "is it a nightmare?"

"y-yes. you left me and i was so scared. you said you don't love me anymore and y-you're leaving. you said you don't want to have a family with me. d-don't leave me please" woozi said and he keeps on crying.

"it's just a dream, baby. none of that is true. i love you, i am not going to hurt you and i am not going to leave you. if you want a family, we will build our family. if you want children, i will give them to you. just don't let it get through you. i will never think of something like that, love. come on. i am planning to wake you up too. i have a surprise for you" hoshi said, guiding the boy to stand up.

"b-but it's 3 am, love. where did you even go to?" woozi asked and they stood up walking outside their room.

the light were turned off and only the candle light that is placed on the table was the only source of their sight. everything was placed romantically. candle lights all over the floor that is formed in a heart shape and rose petals scattered all over the floor and some balloons full of their pictures was floating.

"this might be late and a little messy but i want this to be perfect, baby. i know you've been anxious about our relationship. i know that you've been worrying if ever you are part of my future. i am really sorry that you feel like you're insecure towards this relationship that we have. i was planning to propose to you at jeonghan hyung's wedding but i let mingyu used that opportunity because he was stressing out on what to do to propose to wonwoo and i thought that you don't need those kinds of surprises because i know that the only important here is you hear it from me.

but before i propose to you, i thought of doing this while you're sleeping. i want you to be my husband, that will take care of me and my children forever. in return, i will love you everyday and i will take good care of you too. being with you in those 5 years made me realize so much things. i have changed and i learned a lot from of you. i am very grateful to even live with you and call you mine. that i have the chance to see every sides of you which you cannot show other people. i am really in love with you and that will never change. 10 years, 100 years from now? i swear my feelings for you will never fade. i love you so much"

with that, soonyoung took out the small blue box and opened it to pop some silver ring with a name engraved on it 'forever hoshi's' "lee jihoon? will you marry me?"

"yes! of course! i love you too! i will marry you! tomorrow!"

then both of them chuckled and shared a kiss. who would've know? that a homophobic will change and not just for the better, but for the love of his life.


HOMOPHOBIA | SoonHoon (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now