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it's been a week since woozi decided to have an early recording since he was been up to finish the whole tracks. the other producers were so surprised to hear that he did finished the songs even though it's not up for a comeback yet.

"what were you up to these days? aren't you supposed to rest? what is happening?" bumzu asked the younger and he just chuckled.

"you know how i love what i'm doing, hyung. i mean, it's fine. i'm okay. i am resting while i'm making this" he replied and the older just took a deep breath.

"just make a time on yourself. you're young and why are you drowning yourself with your work? i mean, don't you have a life outside this studio? don't take me wrong, i really appreciate you being a hard working person you are but, don't you think you're being too, you know, too much? why don't you spend a day with your friend? you're even ignoring soonyoung" bumzu said and he shook his head.

"i understand what you mean, hyung. it's just.... i'm here because of some reason. i-i just want to let go of that stress, maybe? working on a music somehow lets me take my mind off of things" he answered and bumzu just stood there. listening to the boy. "i'll be over this soon. don't worry"

with that, woozi was left inside the studio. still thinking about what bumzu said to him. maybe hanging out with someone will help him get away with stress?

then he stood up taking his coat and his keys. he decided to go to the cafe and hangout with the employees. especially that new boy he was eyeing to last time.

is his name seongho? seonghwa? aish why am i having a hard time memorizing names?

as soon as he arrived, he parked the car in front and went inside to be greeted by every worker he saw.

"what brings you here, sir? your brother just stopped by awhile ago" said the manager and he just smiled.

"no i'll just be here to drink. mind if you can get me an americano?" he asked and made his way onto the table, scrolling through his phone.

while looking through his social media accounts, his phone rang and his eyes widened to see hoshi's name, he's calling.


"where you at? i mean, i went to your studio. you're not there"

"oh i'm at the shop to look around. why? need something?"

"well i just want to talk to you, that's all. we've been working together in the same company but i feel like we're so far from each other"

"i'm sorry about that. i mean, you know i'm busy and okay i apologize for not making time. i don't want to disturb you too, i guess?"

"oh come on, jihoon. don't be. we always make time for each other, right? that's what we always do even in the past"

"yeah. i'll make it up to you soon"

"okay. take care"

when the call ended, seonghwa on his side was waiting for him to give his order. so he smiled at him and took the americano, sipping onto it while staring at the boy.

"why don't you join me?" woozi asked and he saw, once again. the cute blush on the boy's cheeks. "come on. take your apron off and talk to me. i'm bored"

"a-are you sure, sir?" seonghwa asked and sat down across him. "i-i should be working"

"it's late and we have the whole cafe for us. we don't have customers to take care of. it's fine" he replied and seonghwa can't handle but to smile. "so tell me, why did you work here? i mean, not to be nosy. but curious, i guess?"

"i'm a student and i kinda need a job to pursue my studies. i was kicked out in the house because i-i'm gay. i'm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable, sir" he said and woozi was surprised.

so am i lucky then? to have a loving a parents, to have the job and the money that i don't really need since i came from a wealthy family. but i think of me as nothing but a trash, yet there are people who suffers. especially like seonghwa, who is kicked out just because of his sexuality.

"i'm sorry to hear that, seonghwa. don't be sorry. you don't owe anyone an apology whenever you say you are gay. well, guess what? i am gay too. you don't have to be shy showing people what you really are. you don't even need to tell me that you were gay because gay or not, good or bad, people have to be respected in every ways" woozi wants to chuckle and laugh his ass out.

now i know what to say to other people? well in fact i don't even know what to do in my situation right now.

"t-thank you sir. i appreciate your words. i didn't expect this coming" seonghwa smiled and blushed but all woozi thinks is how cute he is.

"you're cute, you know. if ever you need any help. anything. don't hesitate to contact me. i am willing to make a time for you. don't think that you are alone"

"thank you sir"

"call me hyung"

as of now, woozi can't deny the fact that he miss his friends. especially their maknae line. maybe because seonghwa is the same age as them that's why he feels comforted whenever he talks to the younger.

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