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when everyone was calm down, woozi came out. he's already at jeonghan's house and he heard everything that is going on. he was crying but he managed to stop.

"i'm sorry guys. it is my fault. everything is my fault. i don't know if i can face you anymore after this. i'm gay and i know some of y'all won't accept that. i love all of you. i want us to be together forever just like what we promised. but if me being gay or wonwoo or jeonghan hyung will disturb you and will tear us apart, it is my responsibility. everyone was quiet and i shouldn't have brought this to jeonghan hyung. or even wonwoo. i should've tried my best to hide and deny it if i just know that this will happen. i am really, deeply sorry. thank you for everything. even to hoshi. i want to thank you that you stood up for me in the 7th grade and i happened to be close to all of you because of that. i don't regret anything that happened to us. i guess now's the time to break the promise. i can't strive with you anymore. i can't be with you knowing some of y'all will be uncomfortable just by seeing me. promise me that you'll still be okay without me. i promise too, that i will continue to do what i like. i'll leave this ring to seungcheol hyung since it was him who gave us this" woozi then took off his ring and he placed it on the table.

"woozi don't do this. come on. don't leave us. this can't be happening right now. what's the use of having the dreams we want if you're not here?" seungcheol asked and woozi just smiled.

"we're 13, hyung. being 12 is not bad, right? i don't want to cause anymore damage. i'll appreciate if you just let me go right now. it's hurting me to see all of you here"

"bullshit woozi! we can work this out. sit down and talk to us. please!" seungcheol pleaded but woozi just smiled to them, genuinely.

"i'm sorry hyung"

before he walked away, a tear slipped his eye and he left the house. this is what's scaring him for all those years. that this can be the reason of him sacrificing everything. even giving up on his friends. it's heartbreaking, that even after hoshi knew that some of them are gay, he still chooses to ignore that they are his friends and continues to insult them.

while driving back home, woozi's phone rang and he saw the caller ID, it was wonwoo.

"i'm sorry. i left too and i gave the ring back to seungcheol hyung. i guess.... i have to leave mingyu now and also leave the house. stay with the boy for now. let's see where we can move without them knowing. don't worry, you know i always got your back. thank me now. i have punched hoshi. enough to make his nose bleed"

"what!? are you crazy? why would you leave mingyu? is he okay with it?"

"he also thinks that being gay is weird. what to expect? he'll be uncomfortable for sure. plus.... i have to get over him now. i am also hurt you know. i wished he just stood up for me but he chose to stay quiet. quite disappointing"

"then just come over at my house to settle this. i can't make you sleep at the hotel. you can't even ask a receptionist without shaking. now pack your things and sleep with me"

"eeww why would i sleep with you? you're disgusting. i may be gay but you're not my type. plus we're both bottoms"

(woozi is a bottom!! fite me!!!)

"what the fuck? what i mean is, we should comfort each other. we're both crying right now but still can manage to fool each other. how pathetic are we to make ourselves happy? laugh through the phone while sniffing? we're idiots"

HOMOPHOBIA | SoonHoon (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now