52| Brotherly Love, Brought to You by Bruised Knuckles

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52| Brotherly Love, Brought to You by Bruised Knuckles

52| Brotherly Love, Brought to You by Bruised Knuckles

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"YOU look perfect. It's impossible for you to not look perfect," Skylar said while Hannah finished up curling her hair in our apartment. Skylar stood behind Hannah looking at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. Her eyes were practically glued on Hannah, as had been the case since Hannah showed up 2 hours ago to get ready for the party and have pre-party dinner. Maverick had joined us for dinner before heading back to the frat house to hang out with Matteo. The two of them were going to stay away from the party tonight and have a movie marathon instead. I knew Will was planning on FaceTiming Matteo after he got out of late play rehearsals, the last rehearsals before the show actually started, and Matteo just didn't want to be anywhere near a party right now.

It had been a week since the latest copy of The Wallstreet Journal was printed that included yet another story trying to ruin the Montgomery reputation and simultaneously hurting Matteo. Montgomery Squared wasn't in the red anymore, but for the first few days after the paper was released, they'd been strictly stuck in the red, plummeting way below my family's business. Maybe I was supposed to be proud, but Cunningham & Co's sudden success spark hadn't a thing to do with the actual business. It just had to do with the fact that someone (maybe my mother, though the thought still messed with my head) was trying to hurt Theo and his family's reputation.

Other than the Montgomery's business, Matteo was bouncing back just like he had been working to do since his near overdose. He was still going to The Gym twice a week and talking to Will. Both of those combined with hanging out with all of us pretty much everyday seemed to help cheer him up. I couldn't blame him for skipping out on the party, though. Even I was hesitant to go to the party because early tomorrow morning, me, Theo, Nic (who was coming up for the party), and Matteo would be catching the first train to Syracuse. Winter break was upon us and it was nearly a month long (thanks to college). Christmas was in a few weeks and we were all heading home tomorrow. The only difference from Fall break was that there was no mild sadness inside of me for having to leave Theo because I knew I would see him over the break. I didn't have to hide the fact that I was with him anymore despite my mother's blatant disapproval and harsh judgment.

But, of course, I was going to the party at the Lambda Xi house. Skylar was the one who said, "You just have to go, Newbie." I joked that she was only making me go because she was going to miss me too much over the break. She flipped me off for insinuating that, which meant I was completely correct.

Skylar and Maverick were going home to their family's place not too far from Syracuse in a week. Skylar was obviously thrilled to get to spend more time in our apartment alone.

"Are you excited to spend Christmas close to Theo?" Hannah asked me. I was sitting on the closed toilet waiting for them to finish up so we could head to the party. We were just congregating in the bathroom, it seemed.

"Christmas time is the best time to lose your virginity!" Skylar added and I glared at her.

Hannah spun around to look at me. "You're telling me you've never slept with anyone? But you're... hot!"

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