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-Time skip until New Year-

-Sana: And you spent the night with him alone? (surprised) Dahyunie, you surprised me...
-Dahyun: It's not what you think... We just talked and had dinner (smiles) Basically I was just making sure that he knew that he's not alone...
-Nayeon: And I'm really thankful for that... (smiles) You are the first girl ever to break that barrier...
-Dahyun: You don't need to thank me...
-Chaeyoung: It's funny, cause you said that you wanted a date with Baekjoon, but you ended up with Dohyun.
-Nayeon: You don't like my brother? I thought that you said that you were arranged...
-Dahyun: Yeah, but Dohyun is more like a friend? He would never look at me in a romantic way... (chuckles) Meanwhile, Baekjoon oppa treats me really nice... I really like him. But I wouldn't change my Christmas with Dohyun for a date with him...
-Momo: Aw, that's so sweet Dahyunie (smiles)
-Nayeon: I'm glad that my brother has someone like you by his side... I'm sure that you'll help him to get over his fears... (smiles)
-Dahyun: I will, don't worry (giggles)

-Taoseo: Sir, you've been absent the whole morning... Are you okay?
-Dohyun: I'm just thinking... (smiles) Do you think that I'll change this year? I want to be normal... I want to celebrate Christmas with my family...
-Taoseo: Sir... You still have a year to change, take it easy (smiles)
-Dohyun: I'll do my best, Taoseo. Maybe it takes me a while... But I want to be normal... (looks down) That would make me totally perfect, right?
-Taoseo: I think that you just need to be yourself... Don't pressure yourself.
-Dohyun: Taoseo...
-Taoseo: Hmmm?
-Dohyun: Do you think that I look like a seal?
-Taoseo: What? (confused)
-Dohyun: (smiles) Nothing... I'll be walking around the garden.
-Taoseo: Okay...

This is weird... I feel like I can do anything I want to. I feel so energetic... I pray for this year to be different. I want to change, I want to be normal.

Maybe... I could make an effort and try to be friends with Dahyun. As long as she keeps the distance and follows my rules, I'll be fine. She has even entered my room, I can handle.

-Time skip until holidays are over-

-Someone: Good morning president (smiles)
-Dohyun: Good morning, and happy late new year (chuckles)
-Someone: Ah, yeah, happy new year!

I then enter my class where Dahyun is already waiting while smiling at me. How should I greet her? I need to wish her a happy new year too...

-Dahyun: Oppa! (smiles)
-Dohyun: Uh... Good morning, happy new year... (looks down)
-Dahyun: (smiles) Happy New Year! Did you have fun this holidays?
-Dohyun: You came to my house, why are you asking?
-Dahyun: Because I want to hear it from you... (chuckles)
-Dohyun: (sighs) I had fun... It was cool, and I didn't have any panic attack... (embarrassed)
-Dahyun: How great! I'm really happy for you (smiles) I had a lot of fun too... Actually, I've been thinking and maybe we should hang out more often because we are friends, right?
-Dohyun: Huh?!... Well, we could try, as long as we don't head to crowded places. I can't stand being near of-
-Dahyun: I know, don't worry (smiles) I'll make sure that you enjoy our time together... I'll take care so you don't get any panic attack.
-Dohyun: Okay. Thanks for doing this, by the way... I'm thankful because not everyone would had been that patient with me... And-
-Dahyun: You don't need to keep on going or I'll blush! (jokes) You don't need to thank me, let's just take it easy and have fun together (smiles)
-Dohyun: (nods)
-Dahyun: Cool, let's get ready for class then... (smiles)

Everything passed by like usually, except for the fact that now I'm being invited by Dahyun to have lunch together along Baekjoon and his group.

-Dahyun: C'mon, it'll be fun! (smiles)
-Dohyun: No, it's okay... I wouldn't like to bother anyone.
-Dahyun: You wouldn't bother anyone... C'mon, come with us~
-Dohyun: Dahyun, you perfectly know that no one here likes me...
-Dahyun: (sighs) Then, we'll have lunch together from now on, okay? (smiles)
-Dohyun: Huh?! You don't need to sacrifice yourself for me... Just enjoy with them (smiles) I'll be fine.
-Dahyun: Don't crack fake smiles at me, we are friends, and I won't let you alone (smiles)
-Dohyun: (sighs) You are so stubborn...

We then head to my usual spot at the cafeteria... If I'm honest, I don't know how are we gonna do it. She'll need to be closer than usual in order to seat together.

-Dohyun: (sighs)
-Dahyun: What's wrong?
-Dohyun: Here the distance... Uh...
-Dahyun: Oh, that's right... I didn't think about it... Uhm, maybe we should have lunch outside? (smiles)
-Dohyun: It's okay, this would had happened sooner or later... Just, don't touch me... That way, I think that I'll be able to handle.
-Dahyun: Okay, don't worry, I won't touch you (smiles and seats next to you)

Oh... I'm feeling her warmth, this is weird. I'm not used to this, plus, why is everyone looking at us? Is that weird to sit with a classmate?

-Dahyun: Ignore them (smiles and starts eating) You are the student council president... You should have some authority, you know?
-Dohyun: I know, but I wouldn't like to get in trouble with anyone...
-Dahyun: I'm curious, why did you become the president if you don't have any friend?
-Dohyun: Oh, actually it wasn't planned... You know, when I transferred here, the course already started and everyone had their respectives "groups" of friends. I wanted to be included... I didn't want to be left out... But then, they discovered the reason why I was here.
-Dahyun: They discovered about your fear?
-Dohyun: (nods) They didn't take long to start calling me "gay" and so... As if it was an actual insult, tch (rolls your eyes) When I got tired of their comments, I decided that I should become someone better in order to be accepted. That's how I became "Mr. Perfect"... And it didn't work, as you can see (chuckles) I think that they hate me even more now...
-Dahyun: They are really stupid... (pissed) I didn't know that you went through that many stuff... You are awesome, oppa (smiles) I'll accept you.
-Dohyun: (smiles) Thanks, Dahyunie...

This is the first time that I call someone like that... Is it okay? I haven't been impolite right? Oh, uhm... By the way that her eyes are glowing, I think that she liked it. I guess that we are official friends?

Mr. Perfect- Male reader x DahyunWhere stories live. Discover now