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We are still running through the mountain, but it is starting to be really difficult to see where are we walking through. We should actually wait for it to stop a little bit.

-Dohyun: Dahyunie... We should stop, we can see where are we walking through. Look, there's a temple over there, let's wait there for the rain to stop a bit, okay?
-Dahyun: (nods)

-Once at the temple-

-Dahyun: Aw... It was supposed to be a nice day...
-Dohyun: It's okay, it is still a nice day (smiles) I should take off the hoodie... You should do the same.
-Dahyun: (embarrassed) H-Huh?!
-Dohyun: What happens? I'm wearing a shirt under... Don't worry (chuckles)
-Dahyun: But... I-I am not... (looks down)
-Dohyun: Huh?! (avoids eye contact) You can catch a cold... You should take it off... We can cover ourselves with the blanket we used for the picnic.
-Dahyun: (does as you said) Don't you dare looking down, okay?
-Dohyun: I won't... I promise... (avoiding looking at her)
-Dahyun: It's starting to be cold... (gets closer to you)

Oh my god... I can feel her skin against mine... It is driving me chills all over my body. What should I do? I need to relax... How embarrassing. I thought that I was over her already.

-Dahyun: This is embarrassing...
-Dohyun: (nods)
-Dahyun: However, it's really warm... (smiles) Oppa... You know? I think that I wouldn't mind if you actually looked down. I would be okay because it's oppa... (with a red tint over her cheeks)
-Dohyun: (almost with a nosebleed) I-I can't do that...
-Dahyun: (hugs you) You should take off your shirt remaining... Its not fair.
-Dohyun: (chokes)
-Dahyun: (laughs) You are so easy to tease oppa...
-Dohyun: (takes a deep breath and starts taking off your clothes) It's fair now...
-Dahyun: (blushes) I-I was kidding, idiot!
-Dohyun: (smirks) It's so easy to see you too... (chuckles)
-Dahyun: (checks you out) You... You have really a nice body, oppa...
-Dohyun: How straightforward (chuckles) I've been attending personal defense for a quite long... Just in case... (smiles) Guess I've got in shape.
-Dahyun: You surely did... (smiles)
-Dohyun: (gets closer to her) If we are together, it doesn't feel that cold, right?
-Dahyun: (nods) My hands are frozen though...
-Dohyun: (holds hands with her)
-Dahyun: Much better (smiles and lays her head on your shoulder)

Once it stopped raining, we both returned back home. It was an unusual day, Dahyun was really clingy. I wasn't going to complain though, but inside me, I knew that my feelings for her were still there.

What if she rejects me again?

-Time skip some months later-

Christmas is next week. I can't belive how time flew that fast... For the first time ever, I'm really excited about it. This year, I'll be able to be with my whole family.

And in order to celebrate it, my father had decided that we should go on a trip to our resort. That way, we'll be able to play with the snow, go skiing and so...

But there's something stuck in my head... What about Dahyun? Last Christmas was really special because she became my friend. I would like to spend it with her again...

-Nayeon: What's the matter kid? (smiles) Do you have your suitcase ready?
-Dohyun: (nods)
-Nayeon: Why do you look so down?
-Dohyun: Dahyunie... I wanted to spend Christmas with her too.
-Nayeon: We still have two days before we leave... Why don't you tell her to come along us? (smiles)
-Dohyun: I don't know... I haven't told Dad or Mom about it...
-Nayeon: Just do it, I'm sure that they won't mind... (chuckles) Plus, I already invited someone...
-Dohyun: You did?! When?
-Nayeon: I won't tell you... (smiles) But, it's a girl... She's my girlfriend. You'll be okay?
-Dohyun: I will... (confident) I can do it. Plus, if Dahyun is with me... It'll be much easier...
-Nayeon: You both really have a special bond, huh? (smirks)
-Dohyun: What do you mean? (embarrassed)
-Nayeon: Nothing, nothing... But so you know, she's my friend... And well, we all know what you two do when you are alone (teasing)
-Dohyun: Aish (looks down embarrassed)
-Nayeon: Aigo... (chuckles) My little brother is flustered, how cute!
-Dohyun: Noona... (rolls your eyes) I'll invite her... (leaves to your room)

Since that dinner we all had together, mom and noona moved to live with us, so now we are like this everyday. Noona really likes to tease me... How annoying.

But someone, I'm glad to have her too, lately I feel happier. I really like how my life is turning out... And everything is thanks to Dahyun. I need to invite her!

-Time skip two days later-

-Dohyun: Are you sure that your family agrees with you coming with us during Christmas holidays?
-Dahyun: It's okay oppa (smiles) Plus, I'm really happy that you want to spend Christmas with me...
-Dohyun: Well... Its a special date for me... (smiles and scratches your nape)
-Dahyun: It's special for me too (chuckles) And this Christmas will be even better! And next Christmas better than this one!
-Dohyun: Are you planning to spend all Christmas with me? (chuckles)
-Dahyun: (nods and holds your hand)
-Dohyun: Let's get inside the car then... (smiles)

We enter the car, or better said, van. Mom and dad are at the front with mom driving. Jeongyeon and Nayeon noona are at the middle with Taoseo. Meanwhile, Dahyun and I are at the back alone.

Not gonna lie, I prefer it this way.

-Dahyun: Oppa...
-Dohyun: Hmm?
-Dahyun: (offers you her hand)
-Dohyun: (holds her hand and smiles)
-Dahyun: I love holding hands with you (chuckles)
-Dohyun: I like it too (smiles)
-Dahyun: You know? It's our first trip together... I'm really excited!
-Dohyun: I'm excited too... It's my first trip with my family... I'm so happy (smiles widely)
-Dahyun: (mumbles) God, how I would kiss you right now... (smiles)
-Dohyun: Thanks for joining us, Dahyunie (smiles)
-Dahyun: Thanks for inviting me, oppa (lays her head on your shoulder)

Mr. Perfect- Male reader x DahyunWhere stories live. Discover now