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I'm currently walking through the park, no one barely takes this route at this time because you know, "it can be dangerous". However, it is my favourite place, since here I'm totally alone...

Or that's what I thought... Why is there a girl crying on that bench? What a horrible situation. I need to escape before she--damn, she's looking at me. And what's worse, I know her...

-Dahyun: You... (sobs) This is all your fault...

My fault? What is she talking about? I need to leave... Soon. Who knows what is she capable of? She could make me panic like yesterday...

-Dahyun: Don't leave. I'm talking to you...
-Dohyun: Leave me alone...
-Dahyun: I'm not gonna do anything to you, you know? Can't we just try to get along?
-Dohyun: No.
-Dahyun: (gets up) Oppa, check me out, do you think that I have any bad intentions?
-Dohyun: I don't care... Yesterday you almost kill me.
-Dahyun: I'll follow all and each of your rules... Just, don't ignore me please.
-Dohyun: I can't promise that...
-Dahyun: Then I can't promise that I'll follow all your rules...
-Dohyun: I'm leaving (starts walking away)
-Dahyun: Dohyun! I don't care about your problems... I want to be your friend!

My friend, a girl? How ridiculous... Why out of everyone, I had to bump with her? How horrible... Suddenly, I feel someone pulling my shirt.

-Dahyun: Keep calm... I'm not touching you... I'm using tissues...
-Dohyun: Y-You... You are near...
-Dahyun: I want to apologise for how our relationship started... I didn't know that you were afraid of women.
-Dohyun: How do you know that?!
-Dahyun: I've met your older sister... Nayeon eonnie told me to give up on you, but I can't do that.
-Dohyun: Why not?
-Dahyun: Because... I was born to love you.
-Dohyun: What?!
-Dahyun: Don't act as if you didn't know... Look, even our names are almost the same, I was made for you, and you are made for me... Though I don't like this, we are arranged since the beginning.
-Dohyun: A-Arranged?! (feels some arcades) Toilet... (starts running away)
-Dahyun: (sighs) This is seriously going to be hard...

I run to the nearby park's toilet, and then lock myself inside. Dahyun is supposed to marry me in a future?! Why didn't my dad mention something as important as that?!

-Dahyun: Dohyun... Are you okay?
-Dohyun: Leave me alone... Please, I beg you.
-Dahyun: You can't keep on being isolated, you need to start talking about your feelings too. I know that this is hard, I even lost my boyfriend because of this... We don't need to rush anything, let's take it easy. First you need to be comfortable around me... Okay?
-Dohyun: I don't want to be around you... (exits the toilet) I'm afraid of loving you...
-Dahyun: Dohyun... (tries to grab your arm)
-Dohyun: Don't touch me! Go away from me...
-Dahyun: But-
-Dohyun: Sorry, I can't... (walks away)

This is ridiculous... How could my dad hide something like this?! He knows that I will never accept this. And now, I won't even attend class. I don't care about this shit anymore.

-Time skip some weeks later-

-Dahyun: (sighs)
-Baekjoon: Hey, you need to cheer up... (smiles) He won't come, get used to it.
-Dahyun: But I can't stop thinking that this is all my fault... If I didn't tell him about our arrangement, he would be here...
-Baekjoon: You don't need to feel that guilty, if I were Dohyun, I would be really happy to have a fiancé like you... (smiles)
-Dahyun: (blushes) W-What-
-Baekjoon: I-Uhm... The teacher is explaining something interesting. We should pay attention (chuckles)
-Dahyun: (nods)

Oppa is nice as always... I'm really glad to have him here. He didn't only help me to deal with Dohyun's problem, but he also helped me to get over Jangseo.

Actually, Baekjoon oppa is really handsome too... Oh no, what am I saying? Has it always been this easy to fall in love? Actually, since Dohyun is not coming around... Could I have a chance with Baekjoon oppa?

Suddenly, the bell rings indicating that the class is over. Once I'm done picking all my staff and about to follow Baekjoon, the teacher calls for me... I wonder what does he need.

-Baekjoon: I'll be waiting for you on our usual spot, okay? (smiles)
-Dahyun: (nods and smiles)

I approach the teacher and just when everyone is gone, Ms. Hoon appears with a serious expression, just as always.

-Ms. Hoon: Dahyun-ssi...
-Dahyun: Y-Yeah? (gulps)
-Ms. Hoon: As you can see, Dohyun has been missing class for a while... But this can't continue like this. His dad is really really pissed.
-Teacher: That's why you'll be heading to his house today to hand him the homework.
-Ms. Hoon: The purpose of having you in this school is none other than helping him to get over his fears... You can't just ignore each other.
-Dahyun: I know but-
-Ms. Hoon: There's no excuses, I think that you already know the kind of relationship between your family and his family... If you don't accomplish with your duty, there won't be any businesses anymore. Do you understand?
-Dahyun: (nods and grabs the homework) Bring me to Dohyun (fake smiles)

I exit the school as fast as possible to tell Baekjoon oppa not to wait for me. He nods and then starts walking away, ah, I wanted to spend my afternoon with him...

-Time skip until she reaches your house-

Oh damn... Dohyun's family is really really rich. Actually, I can't imagine the amount of money they gain per year... Too much number.

I take a deep breath and then notice Ms. Hoon glaring at me. I need to do this... I just hope that he doesn't overreact or something like that.

-Dahyun: (knocks your door)
-Taoseo: (opens) Yeah? How may I help you?
-Dahyun: Is Dohyun at home? I brought his homework... (smiles)
-Taoseo: (surprised) A girl? He's at the psychologist... But he'll be back eventually. Please, come in, I just prepared some tea (smiles)
-Dahyun: (smiles and bows) Thanks!

Mr. Perfect- Male reader x DahyunWhere stories live. Discover now