The first time you cry in front of them

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Violet: You were working on an invention, but nothing seemed to be working the way you wanted it to, You tried your best to stay calm, but after trying to fix it for the tenth time, you let out a loud frustrated groan. You heard footsteps enter the room; when you looked up; you saw that it was Violet. "What's wrong?" she asked sitting down next to you. "I've been trying for hours to get this invention to work the way I want it to work, but every time I try to fix it, I fail," you said choking up.

Violet pulled you in close and you buried your face into her shoulder and cried. "It's okay, I know it's hard, but you'll get it eventually. You know, if you want, I could help you," she offered. You looked at her a small smile spread across your face. "Really?" you asked. "Of course, I hate seeing you upset," she smiled. The small smile became a grin, and you and Violet got to work.

Klaus: You had spent years as a library shelving assistant and tried so hard to get a promotion, but every time you tried, you would always fail. After work, you walked over to Klaus' apartment hoping that he could cheer you up. "Y/n, what's wrong?" he asked when he opened the door; he took one look at your face and invited you inside. "It's my job, Klaus, I try so hard to get a promotion, but every time I apply for one, I'm either overqualified or not qualified," you said trying your best to not cry.  Klaus gently hugged you and you felt tears roll down your cheeks. "Don't cry, it's gonna be okay," he whispered into your ear. He gently lifted your chin and you were eye-to-eye with each other. "I'll always be right here if you need me Y/n,"

Duncan: You had just got a phone call from your mother telling you that your father had been diagnosed with cancer. After you hung up the phone, you had crumpled up on the floor and started crying. You needed to talk to someone, but your roommate was hanging out with friends, so you decided to call your friend Duncan and ask him to come over. "Hello?" a voice on the other line picked up. "Duncan, could you come over I need you right now," you said trying to keep your composure. "Sure thing, is everything okay?"

"I'll explain everything when you get here," you said. "Okay, I'll be there shortly," he sighed. Ten minutes later he knocked on the door and you opened it. He looked concerned when he saw your tear-filled eyes. "What's wrong, you know you can tell me anything," his eyes were full of concern. "My mom called a little while ago, and told me that my dad has cancer," you said your voice breaking.

Duncan walked over to you and hugged as you cried into his chest. "Y/n, I'm so sorry, I'm here if you need me I promise," he whispered into your ear. You started to feel slightly better. "What can I do to make you feel better?" he asked. You had one thing in mind, (No, not that silly reader!) "Maybe some pizza and a movie?" you suggested.

Isadora: You had just finished editing your poem and were hoping to get it published in The Daily Punctilio. You had sent a query letter with your poem in it to the newspaper and were waiting for a response. After a few days of waiting, you got a letter from The Daily Punctilio, you were hoping they accepted your poem, but when you opened it, you found out they rejected your poem not explaining why.

That same day, you were supposed to hang out with Isadora. When you went over to her house, you tried to keep your composure, but those words of rejection kept repeating themselves inside your head. "What's wrong Y/n?" Isadora asked. "I tried to get a poem published in The Daily Punctilio but they rejected it without giving me a reason," you explained as your eyes began to fill up with tears.

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