Your First Kiss

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Violet: You and Violet were talking to each other on the couch away from her siblings. For a moment, it was silent between you two; you kept staring into each other's eyes. You felt Violet gently grab your hand. Before you could say or do anything, Violet softly kissed you. You almost immediately sunk into the kiss and started kissing her back. You kept kissing for a little while until you heard someone screaming. You looked up and saw it was Sunny who walked in on you. You pulled out of the kiss and started blushing uncontrollably.

Klaus: You and Klaus were up at two in the morning, you couldn't sleep. It was particularly cold that night, and you started shivering. Klaus took notice and wrapped a blanket around you not caring if he got cold. Even though you couldn't much in the darkness, you could feel Klaus wrap an arm around your back. You were caught off-guard and were surprised Klaus gently placed his lips on yours. You kissed him back, and you continued kissing until you fell asleep in each other's arms.

Duncan: You and Duncan were on the couch watching a romance movie, when the two main characters shared a tender kiss in the rain; you looked at Duncan feeling the sudden urge to kiss him. He looked at you feeling that same urge. You silently counted to three in your head, and leaned in and kissed him. You wrapped an arm around his back, and you felt him place a hand on one of your shoulder blades. When you pulled out of the kiss, you stared at each other in awe surprised at what happened between you two. "That was my first kiss," you whispered. "You're my first too," he smiled as he pulled you into another kiss.

Isadora: You and Isadora were working on a poem together she was writing one half, while you were writing the other. "What do you have so far?" you asked. She read her half of the poem, but soon you started to zone out and just stare at her. She's so beautiful. Without thinking, you kissed her cheek. Isadora stopped reading and looking at you. "What was that?" she asked. "I'm sorry, I should probably go," you said getting up and leaving the room.

Quigley: You and Quigley were continuing to search for Quigley's siblings, but they were nowhere to be found. You could tell Quigley was beginning to grow anxious to find them. You were on a trolley that was heading to the Mortmain Mountains, and you could tell that he was about to cry. "What's wrong?" you asked gently putting a hand on his shoulder. "I'm just anxious to find my brother and sister, if we can't find them, then I don't know what I'll do," he answered. 

You embraced him, and gently lifted his chin so you were eye-to-eye with him. "Quigley, we're gonna find them, I promise," you whispered. He started to smile he leaned in towards you and kissed you. You were surprised at first, but slowly sank into the kiss and kissed him back. "I've wanted to do that for so long," he chuckled. Without a second thought, you pulled him into another kiss.

Esme: You and Esme went back to the penthouse after having dinner with a few of her friends. You two had indulged in a lot of wine, so it was no surprise that you were a little tipsy. You two were giggling as you walked up the long spiral staircase until you finally reached the penthouse. When you unlocked the door, you two stared at each other for a second, then without warning, Esme placed a hand on your cheek and kissed you. It may have been a drunken kiss, but it was still your first kiss.

Carmelita: You and Carmelita were sitting at her lunch table in the Prufrock cafeteria. She introduced you to some of her friends, they loved the fact that you were not a cakesniffer, and they kept saying that you two would be cute as a couple. You and Carmelita had just brushed off their comments, but secretly you wanted to kiss her. You looked at her for a split second. Then, without hesitation, you leaned in and kissed her. She started kissing you back and you two got into a make-out session right there.

Olaf: You and Olaf had been trying for weeks to try out for roles in plays hoping to start your career. One day, you were auditioning for the role of Christine in Phantom of the Opera, to your surprise; Olaf was auditioning for the role of the Phantom. After your audition, you went back to your apartment and ordered pizza. While you were in the middle of eating, you got a phone call. "I'll get it," Olaf said as he put down his slice of pizza. You looked at him as he picked up the phone, then a large grin spread across his face. When he hung up the phone, he sat down next to you; the large grin was still on his face.

"Who was that?" you asked. "We got the parts of Christine and The Phantom!" he smiled. You clasped a hand of your mouth and let out a muffled scream. "Are you serious?!" You asked. He nodded, and he pulled you close to him and he hugged you. "I could just kiss you right now!" he grinned. You were surprised by this, but you kissed him just as he was leaning in towards you.

Fiona: You and Fiona were steering the Queequeg II while constantly checking the sonar. You heard a small beeping noise, and looked up to see a large question mark approaching. "Y/n, turn out the lights, the Great Unknown is heading towards us!" Fiona said. You turned out all the lights and got down on the ground not making a single movement. You felt the submarine shake and held onto each other. Then, the sub started shaking again and you landed on your back with Fiona on top of you. Suddenly, you felt her soft lips gently pressed against yours as the Great Unknown swam away from the submarine. The lights came on, and Fernald saw you and Fiona kissing. "I'm outta here," he said leaving the room.

Lemony: You and Lemony were running home in the rain. But somehow, you got lost and decided to wait the storm out hiding in a phone booth that was big enough for the two of you. "You know, besides the rain, the night sky looks quite beautiful," you smiled. Lemony looked up at the sky through the small skylight on top of the phone booth. "Very lovely indeed," he said looking back at you. You gazed into each other's eye for a moment, then started to slowly lean in towards each other. When Lemony's lips touched yours, you wrapped an arm around his back, and he wrapped an arm around your waist. You continued kissing as the rain continued to pour outside of the phone booth.

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