You Break up

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Violet: You and Violet had been getting into a lot of fights for the past couple weeks, nothing physical would happen between you two, you would just yell and scream until one of you burst into tears. But things came to a head one night after you came home from having dinner with some friends. You and Violet started arguing over something dumb. "Y/n, you were looking at that girl at the restaurant, its obvious you're cheating on me!" Violet yelled.

"I'm not cheating on you Violet, that woman is a stranger to me!" you sobbed. Finally, you couldn't take all the yelling anymore. "I can't do this anymore, Violet," you said as you walked to your shared bedroom and started packing your things. "Where are you going?" she asked. You didn't say a word to her as you finished packing. "Violet, I don't know who you are right now, I need a break, I'll call you when I'm ready to talk," you said as you walked out the front door. When you got in your car, you started crying and lightly banged your head against the steering wheel.

Klaus: As you were cleaning your bedroom, you heard a small ring on Klaus' phone. Out of curiosity, you picked it up and scrolled through his messages. There, you found naked photos that were sent to him by another woman. Klaus entered the room with a towel wrapped around his waist. "Klaus, what is this?" you tearfully asked. You showed him the photos and he looked very guilty.

"How could you? I gave you everything, and this is how you repay me?" you sobbed throwing his phone on the bed. "Y/n please, let me explain," Klaus begged. "There's nothing to explain Klaus, I'm done with you," you said as you grabbed your purse and phone and headed out the front door.

Duncan: You and Duncan had been in a relationship for a few months now, and things seemed to be going great. Sure, you would have little arguments every now and then, but other than that, things were amazing. Until one day, you got a text from Duncan asking you to meet him at the park. You took a taxi to the park and saw Duncan sitting on a bench looking down at the ground. "Hey, what's going on?" you asked sitting down.

Duncan took your hand and you saw that his eyes were full of guilt. "Y/n, I have to tell you something, you're not gonna like it," he said. You started to grow nervous and wondered what he had to say. "I cheated on you, it was a mistake and it didn't mean anything, I'm so sorry," Duncan said. You felt your heartbeat slow down, and you felt the world was spinning out of control. "I think I should go," you said tears running down your face, you stood up and without hesitation, you ran back to your car.

Isadora: You and Isadora were not in a good place right now, you had an on-again-off-again relationship. This time, you were hoping that the two of you could make things right. You were in the kitchen making dinner when you heard Isadora's phone go off, you looked over and saw that she got a text from a girl named Emily.

Great seeing you again Isa, I love you!

You had to reread the text three times, and you felt tears threatening to fall down your face. "Babe, what's wrong?" Isadora asked entering the kitchen. "Who's Emily?" you asked your voice breaking silently. "She's just a friend," Isadora answered. You started to get angry now and refused to look at her. "She's just a friend? I know what flirting looks like, Isadora," you shouted.

Isadora looked full of guilt and started crying. "I'm sorry Y/n," she sobbed. You ignored her as you grabbed your phone and car keys. "I'm leaving, we need time apart, and you have a decision you need to make, either you get block Emily and never talk to her again, or I'm gone for good," you said unlocking the door. "Y/n, please," she sobbed. "I hate you, but I love you," you said as tears fell down your face.

Quigley: For a few months, things between you and Quigley were going great, but it looked like Quigley was hiding something, he had been spending a lot of time with Violet, and you considered it to be weird but thought nothing of it until one day you and Quigley paid a visit to the Baudelaire's. You went to the bathroom, and after a few minutes, you walked into the living room and found Violet and Quigley kissing on the couch.

"What is this?" you asked. Violet and Quigley looked up and looked extremely guilty. "Y/n, it's not what it looks like I swear," Quigley said. You didn't listen to him and took the keys to your car. "I'm going to stay with a friend for a few days, find your own ride home," you said as you walked out the door.

Esme: A few weeks after your hangover love confession, you and Esme were inseparable, you went everywhere together. Then, one day, you came home from work and heard moaning coming from the kitchen. You followed the sound, and you saw Esme lying down on the counter making out with a man who you didn't recognize. "Oh my god, Esme," you gasped. Esme looked over at you instantly filled with regret.

"Y/n, please," Esme begged. You didn't want to hear another word, you didn't say anything, but went to your shared bedroom, and packed a few things. "Don't call me, don't text me, Esme, we're done," you said flatly trying your best to not break something. "Y/n, we can talk about this," Esme said following you down the hall. "There's nothing to talk about Esme, I've seen enough to know what's going on," you growled. As you closed the door behind you, you pressed your back against the door, and started crying.

Carmelita: You were standing in the cafeteria line waiting to get your food. You could hear your girlfriend Carmelita talking to a few of her friends. "I still can't believe you're dating Y/n, your not in love are you?" one girl asked. You were hoping that Carmelita would come to your defense and say that she was in love with you.

"No, I could never fall in love, everyone here is a cakesniffer," she answered. You felt you had been stabbed in the heart, without a second thought you threw your tray across the room. "Carmelita, you're a lying snake, I thought you loved me," you sobbed. You ran out of the cafeteria back to your dorm and face-planted on your bed, and started crying.

Olaf: You and Olaf were doing a dress rehearsal for Phantom of the Opera after you were done with one scene, the director wanted to try that scene again with your understudy. You watched from behind the curtain as Olaf and your understudy practiced the music of the night scene. They were getting unusually close, but you thought maybe they were just trying to make the scene a little more romantic.

But after rehearsal, you heard Olaf and your understudy talking in his dressing room. "Why are you with Y/n? I have a lot more to offer," your understudy asked. "Because I love her," he answered. You were happy that Olaf was defending you. But then, you heard kissing noises. You opened the door and saw Olaf and your understudy kissing. You didn't say anything, but walked out the back door of the theater and started crying at this betrayal.

Fiona: You and Fiona had been having lots of small arguments over the dumbest things, this time, you and Fiona had gotten into an argument over which direction you wanted the Queequeg II to go, "Fiona, all of this fighting isn't good for us. I think we need a break," you said after the both of you calmed down.

"Y/n, I'm not sure a break is such a good idea, every time we say we need a break, a day later we start dating again. I'm sorry, but I think we need to call it quits," she said. You felt like your heart broke into a million pieces. You tried your best to fight back tears but you failed. Without another word, you ran back to your quarters and mourned the loss of your relationship.

Lemony: You were excited when you and Lemony got together, you would do everything together, watch TV, go out to dinner, and snuggle in bed together. But every time you went out on a date, he looked sad, "What's wrong, Lemony?" you asked one night at dinner. "I saw Beatrice today, and we talked for a little while," he answered.

Every day, he would talk constantly about his relationship with Beatrice. "Lemony, if you love her that much, go to her," you said. It hurt so bad for you to say that, but you also knew that he would never be happy without her. He walked out the front door, and you curled up into a little ball and started to cry.

A Series of Unfortunate Events Imagines and PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now