He defends you in public

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Klaus: You and Klaus had went out to a bar one night after work to help you unwind and get ready for the weekend. But as you walked up to the bar, you heard someone scoff at you. You stopped and looked over your shoulder and saw two men laughing at you. "What are you laughing at? What's so funny?" Klaus piped up. He walked towards the table the two men were sitting at, and placed both hands on the table.

"Are you laughing at my girlfriend?" He asked loud enough for the them to hear. "N-no sir," one of the men said. "If you ever laugh at my girlfriend again, I'll make you regret it, do you understand me?" he growled. "Yes sir," the other man answered. Klaus gently took your hand and you took a seat at the bar. "Thank you baby," You whispered leaning in to kiss him. "Of course, anything for you," he whispered.

Duncan: You and Duncan were at a friend's birthday party, and you had gotten a little drunk, one of your coworkers decided that he would use this opportunity to make fun of you because you were stumbling around and bumping into things. "Your a clumsy little girl, do you need me to call your daddy to come help you?" he taunted. You started laughing having no idea what he said, but then in an instant, you saw your coworker get hit in the head with a beer bottle.

"Go to hell man, don't make fun of my wife!" Duncan yelled. The room was silent, but Duncan didn't care, he just wanted to get you out of there. "Go back to your drinks," Duncan said and almost immediately everyone went back to talking and drinking. "Let's get you out of here," Duncan said as he wrapped an arm around you and led you out of the door and back to your car.

Quigley: You had a performance at a local nightclub. Your fiancé Quigley was watching you in the audience as you sang a Taylor Swift song, when you reached the end of the song, almost everyone in the audience started clapping for you, but then you heard the sound of someone booing and you saw it was a group of three men.

"Bro, that's my fiancée! Leave her alone!" you heard Quigley say from the crowd. Everyone looked over at him, and you became worried that something bad was going to happen. "What are you gonna do about it?" the man taunted. Then you watched as Quigley threw a punch knocking the man to the ground everyone started pulling out their phones and started recording.

"Quigley stop!" you shouted as you ran off the stage and ran over to your boyfriend. When you reached him, you wrapped your arms around him and told him to calm down. "Let's get out of here," you whispered. Quigley slowly nodded, and the two of you walked out of the nightclub.

Olaf: You and Olaf were at Target getting some stuff to decorate your apartment, when the two of you split up to find individual stuff. While you were looking through the makeup aisle, you felt someone walk past you and bump into you. You looked over and saw a middle aged man trying to give a sexy seductive look but failed miserably. "Hi sweetie, you wanna get out of here?" he asked.

"Um, no thanks," you said grabbing the stuff you needed and walked away. But the guy followed you and you tried your best to lose him, but he found you and now had you pushed up against one of the displays. "Get your hands off of my girlfriend!" Olaf yelled pushing him away from you. The man ran away and Olaf pulled you into a hug. " Are you okay sweetheart?" he whispered. "Yeah, I'm just glad you saved me," you whispered back.

Lemony: You and Lemony went out to a nice restaurant to celebrate his birthday, While you were eating, you grabbed a large bottle filled with red wine and tried to pour it into your glass, but there was no wine left. "I'm going to go up to the bar and ask for another bottle of this wine," you said. Lemony nodded and you got out of your seat and walked over to the bar.

But as you approached the bar and asked for another bottle, you heard two men whistling at you. You looked over and saw that Lemony had watched them and he looked like he was going to explode. "Excuse me gentlemen, that's my girlfriend right there, she's not interested in you, so leave her alone," he piped up. The two men's faces were bright red with embarrassment. The bartender tapped your shoulder and handed you the bottle of red wine. When you sat back down, you smiled at Lemony, silently thanking him for speaking up. 

A/n: Hey guys, I just uploaded an Asoue roleplay book, you should go check it out! There are 11 roles that are still open!

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