The End

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Hey guys, I wanted to say thank you so much for all the votes, reads, comments, and requests on this story. But, unfortunately because I have so many projects coming up, I have decided to make the hard decision to end Asoue Imagines and Preferences. But don't worry, if you guys made a request for any one-shots, I want you to know that they will be featured in my new story...

It's called Asoue cast imagines and preferences, I will doing the same thing that I was doing here, only the majority of the one-shots will be with Malina, Louis, Dylan, Avi, and possibly Kitana. And I will also occasionally slip in some Asoue character preferences. So, stay tuned for that to come out later today guys.

Once again thank you so much for all your support, I have no idea where Asoue Imagines and Preferences would be without you!

With love,


A Series of Unfortunate Events Imagines and PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now