Long Distance Isadora Quagmire x Reader

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Y/n's P.O.V.

It had been over a week since Isadora left for her business trip to London, I missed her so much. I knew that it was only for a few more weeks, but with every passing day, I had that longing feeling for her. Then, one day while I was on the computer, I got a skype call, to my surprise it was Isadora.

I clicked the accept call button, and Isadora's face appeared onscreen. "Hey baby!" she smiled. A wave of happiness crashed over me, it was so good to see her again. "Hey, how's your trip going?" I asked. "Oh babe, you would love it here in London, there's so much to see, and so much to do, you should've bought a plane ticket so you could've come with me," she answered.

I wanted to go with her, but unfortunately, my butthead of a boss would not let me take off work for that long. On top of that, I had a big presentation coming up that I had to prepare for. "I would love to be there, but you know how much of an jerk my boss is," I sighed. She nodded, and looked a little sad. 

"What's wrong?" I asked. She wiped a small tear away and smiled. "Nothing babe, I wish I could hug you right now, it's hard to believe your across the ocean from me," she answered. I put my hand to one side of the screen imagining that I had a hand pressed softly against her cheek.

"Well, even though we're a thousand miles away from each other, I'll give you virtual hugs," I smiled leaning in closer to the computer. "I got you something; I can't wait to come home so you can see what it is," she grinned like a little kid. "I can't wait for you to come home, I miss you so much," I smiled. "I miss you too, well I gotta go so I'll call you tomorrow," she said. "Okay, love you bye!" I said waving goodbye as I ended the video call. Now, I felt a little less lonely.

A/n: Alright guys, I hope you guys enjoy, don't be shy to request something, I love making these imagines for you guys!

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