Love Confession

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Violet: The day after you and Violet shared your first kiss on the couch, you started wondering if Violet had feelings for you, or if that kiss meant nothing at all. You were sitting at the table having lunch with Violet and her siblings. You occasionally glanced at Violet and smiled. Klaus looked at you with suspicious eyes; you could tell that he was trying to figure out if there was something between you and his older sister.

When you were done eating, you helped Violet clear the table and helped her with the dishes. "Y/n, I think we need to talk about yesterday, when we kissed," Violet said as she washed the last dish. You were starting to grow nervous, worrying that Violet would say that kiss didn't mean anything and that you were still friends. "Y/n, ever since I met you, I've started to have feelings for you, we may have known each other for a short time, but, I love you Y/n,"

You hear started going a hundred miles an hour. She has feelings for me? You were happy and shocked at the same time. You grabbed her hand and pulled her into a kiss. "I love you too Violet," you smiled. "Aha! I knew something was going on between you two!" Klaus said poking his head out from the hallway. You and Violet blushed and gave she gave you a small peck on the lips.

Klaus: The morning after you and Klaus kissed, you didn't say a word to each other. At breakfast, Violet noticed that you weren't talk to each other and asked if everything was okay. "Yeah, I didn't get much sleep last night," you answered as you took a spoonful of oatmeal. After breakfast, you walked into the library looking for a new book to read. Once you found your book, you sat down on the small sofa. You felt the pillows shift slightly, and looked up to see Klaus sitting next to you. 

"Y/n, I think we need to talk about what happened last night," he said in a low tone. You closed your book and placed it on the coffee table. "We kissed last night," you said flatly. He nodded and scooted closer to you, taking your hand in his. "Y/n, I know we've only known each other for a few months now, but when I'm around you, I feel happy again. I haven't been happy in a long time, and when I'm around you, you give me a reason to be happy again,"

"What are you trying to say?" you asked sitting up slightly. "What I'm trying to say is, I love you Y/n, I've loved you since the first moment I saw you," he answered. You were shocked at this confession, to say the least. But, you felt the same way about him. "I feel the same way about you Klaus," you answered. He gasped slightly and pulled you into a soft kiss. "I love you Y/n L/n," he smiled resting his forehead against yours. "I love you too, Klaus Baudelaire,"

Duncan: After you and Duncan pulled out of the kiss, you cuddled next to him and felt him gently stroke your hair. "Did we kiss just because the characters in that movie were kissing?" Duncan asked. You were surprised with this question and looked up at him, slightly offended. "I'm sorry; I didn't mean it like that I swear! I was just caught off-guard," he said. You felt a single tear run down your cheek. "That was a genuine kiss Duncan, when you said that, I got scared thinking that you don't like me," you said.

Duncan cupped your face in his hands and smiled at you. "Y/n, of course, I like you, you're the only girl who understands me, and over the last few months I've realized something," You were hoping to hear those words come out. But before he could say anything, you blurted it out. "Duncan, I love you," he was shocked at first, but within seconds a small smile spread across his face. "I love you too Y/n," he said. You felt your cheeks turn pink and without a second thought, you leaned in and kissed him.

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