Glasses - Klaus Baudelaire x Female Reader

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A/n: Hey guys before this chapter begins, I want to say thank you to @BearGraceCanBeAnyone for requesting this one-shot! I hope you guys enjoy, I worked really hard on this!

Klaus' P.O.V.

"Have a good day, I'll see you later," Violet smiled as she walked into her classroom. Sunny made her way to Vice Principal Nero's office, While I made my way to Mrs. Bass's classroom. As soon as I entered the room, the bell rang and I sat down in an empty seat. "Good morning class, may I have your undivided attention? And that includes you, Daniel, I understand we have a new orphan joining us today?" Mrs. Bass began.

Everyone in the classroom turned around to look at me, most of them looked unfriendly. But then I noticed there was one person who didn't look unfriendly. It was a girl with h/c hair and thick black glasses that looked almost similar to mine. She smiled at me then turned around, "It must be difficult to measure how unhappy you are without your parents, but we're gonna try, my name is Mrs. Bass. Alright, to start off class today, we are going to measure this jar of half-used mayonnaise that I found in my garage,"

After about an hour of taking pointless measurements, we moved on to a group activity. "Alright, I want each of you to find a partner and take the measurements of these objects in the front of the room, and go," Mrs. Bass said. I could tell nobody wanted to be my partner because people kept shooting me dirty looks. I felt someone tap my shoulder, I looked over and saw that it was the girl who smiled at me.

"Hey, do you want to partner up with me?" she asked. I nodded, and we got in line and waited. "I'm Y/n, by the way," she smiled holding her hand out. I gently shook it and smiled. "My name is Klaus Baudelaire," There was a brief moment of silence between us, then someone whistled at Y/n. "Hey Y/n, I see you're partnered with the new orphan, is he your boyfriend?" another student asked. Y/n bit back a sighed and looked over at me. "That's Stephen, don't listen to anything that he says, he's a liar," she whispered. 

We just ignored him as he continued saying snarky comments. When we finally reached Mrs. Bass' desk I took the measurements will Y/n wrote them down.  "Alright, for the book 15 inches, that's the last one," Y/n smiled.  We walked back to my desk and sat down, "Oh look, Y/n and the orphan sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G," Stephen sang obnoxiously. Soon everyone joined in on the obnoxious singing. I tried to ignore it the best I could, I could see Y/n was about to crack. She left the room crying. I had to make sure that she was okay. I followed her down the hall to the bathroom.

"Y/n, are you okay?" I asked gently taking her hand. She wiped her tears away and looked at me with her slightly red eyes. "No, I'm not going back in a classroom where people are going to make fun of us," she sobbed. I felt so bad for her, and without a second thought, I hugged her softly running a hand through her hair. "It's okay, everything will be okay, I promise," I whispered.

When we pulled out of the hug, Y/n smiled slightly. When she had calmed down, we walked back to the classroom and sat down. After we took a few more measurements, the bell rang. I waited for Y/n and we walked down the hall together and met up with Violet and Sunny. "How was your first day?" I asked Violet. "I listened to boring and pointless stories," she answered. "That's Language Arts, we took boring and pointless measurements," We came to a stop, and Violet gave me a strange look.

"Who's we?" she asked. "Sorry, I forgot to introduce you to someone, Violet this is Y/n, Y/n these are my sisters Violet and Sunny," I smiled. Y/n gave a small wave, and we continued walking down the hall to the cafeteria.

A/n: I'll publish part two in a few days I hope you guys enjoyed this, I had a blast writing this, stay tuned for part 2! Love you guys!

With love,


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