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A/n: Alright guys, I have wait for so long to post this, I hope you enjoy it! Yes, I do know that the Quagmires own the sapphires but I thought it would be a little weird if all three of them gave you a sapphire ring, so just bare with me okay? Anyways, I hope you enjoy this imagine. Play the song!

Violet: You and Violet were about to celebrate three years of being together, to celebrate you went out to dinner at a fancy restaurant. But little did you know that there was a surprise waiting for you after dinner. When you finished eating dinner, you thought the waiter would walk by with the check, but instead Violet had a small smile on her face.

"Y/n, you know I love you right?" Violet asked. "Of course Violet, and I love you too," you answered. Violet started grinning and got out of her seat and bent down next to you. You hand immediately flew to your mouth and you started crying. "Y/n, you are the most amazing person in the world, you given me another reason to be happy, will you make me the happiest girl in the world and marry me?" she asked pulling out a small black velvet box and opened it. Inside was a beautiful amethyst engagement ring.

"Yes, Violet Baudelaire, of course I'll marry you!" you smiled

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"Yes, Violet Baudelaire, of course I'll marry you!" you smiled. She started crying happy tears as she slid the ring onto your finger, and you pulled her into a soft kiss as the everyone in the restaurant started clapping for you two.

Klaus: You and Klaus were spending time with his siblings on Christmas day, you watched as Violet opened a toolbox from you. "Thank you Y/n, I needed a new toolbox," Violet smiled. It was then your turn. You looked through the small pile of presents and found one that was yours. It said To Y/n, love Klaus.

It was a small box wrapped in gold wrapping paper. "I wonder what's in here," you smiled. You carefully tore open the paper and opened the box, you gasped when you noticed a small rose quartz engagement ring nestled into the black satin.

 You carefully tore open the paper and opened the box, you gasped when you noticed a small rose quartz engagement ring nestled into the black satin

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You looked up and saw Klaus was on one knee in front of you holding your hand. "Y/n, these past two years have been the best years of my life because I got to fall in love with you, I dream about the day that I wake up with you in my arms, Will you become my beloved wife and share the rest of your life with me?" Klaus asked. You wiped your tears away, and quickly nodded your head not trusting your voice. Klaus smiled, and stood up and carefully slid the ring onto your finger, and you shared a passionate kiss with your fiancé. 

A Series of Unfortunate Events Imagines and PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now