How you spend your one year anniversary together

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A/n: Just to be clear, this is how you celebrate one year of dating, anyways, enjoy!

Violet: You and Violet decided to go out to dinner to celebrate being together for a year. The two of you went to your favorite restaurant where you fed each other small bites of your food. After dinner, you ordered a slice of New York style cheesecake that said happy anniversary on the side.

Klaus: You and Klaus decided to order takeout and snuggled up on the couch watching your favorite movie. You and Klaus exchanged anniversary presents; he got you a photo frame with the two of you on your birthday. And you got him a photo album full of pictures of the two of you.

Duncan: You and Duncan went out to lunch, and decided to go the mall and buy your anniversary presents. Later that day, you would exchange gifts.

Isadora: You and Isadora would take a trip to the beach, and you would take lots of photos of the two of you. Afterwards, you two would get dinner at nearby restaurant and drink a few Pina Coladas. (Anybody here like Pina Coladas or Virgin Pina Coladas? Let me know in the comments below!)

Quigley: You and Quigley decided to go see a romantic comedy at the movie theater, you two would buy a large bag of popcorn and snuggle together during the movie.

Esme: You and Esme would spend your anniversary at home, and you would make your own chocolate fondue, you and Esme would take turns feeding eat other. And eventually, you would curl up on the couch and watch all the innest movies.

Carmelita: Because you and Carmelita were still at Prufrock, you couldn't go on an actual date, so you two spent as much times as you could together, and you would cuddle up on your bed together.

Olaf: Because you and Olaf had a show on your anniversary you couldn't get out of it, so you decided to spend as much time together backstage as possible. After the show, Olaf surprised you a bouquet of roses, and a basket full of your favorite sweets.

Fiona: On your anniversary, you and Fiona decided to go to the surface, and spend some time together at the boardwalk. Fiona surprised with a dolphin necklace, and you gave her an ocean themed charm bracelet. When the sun set, you and Fiona went back to the Queequeg II, and snuggled together.

Lemony: You and Lemony went to the theater and watchedone of your favorite plays. During one of the sadder scenes, you and Lemonywould hold each other close and whisper sweet nothings to each other until thatscene was over.

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