You get back together

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Violet: It had been a week since you and Violet broke up, you could barely function, and you refused to leave your house. You spent most of your time in bed crying and eating a tub full of ice cream. Then, one afternoon, you had the courage to get out of bed. As you walked to the freezer to get your ice cream, you heard a knock at your door. You looked through the peephole and saw that it was Violet.

"What do you want?" you said when you opened the door. Her face was bright red and it looked like she had been crying. "I want to make things right," she answered. You let her in, and you sat down on the couch. "I told you that I would tell you when I was ready to talk," you sighed. "I know, but I wanted to apologize for the shit that I said,"

You looked at her waiting for her apology. "I'm sorry for accusing you of cheating, I know you would never cheat," she apologized. She looked up at you looking like she was going to cry again. You gently hugged her as she started crying. "I forgive you," you whispered. When you pulled apart, she started smiling. "Can we start over?" she asked. You nodded, and pulled her into a soft, tender kiss.

Klaus: For two weeks, you stayed over at your friend Isadora's house, and she did everything she could to try to cheer you up. You had received a few phone calls from Klaus, but you never picked up the phone. One morning, you woke to the sound of knocking on the door. When you opened the door, you saw Klaus holding a bouquet of roses and a small box of chocolates.

"It's gonna take more than roses and chocolate to gain my trust again," you said flatly. "I know, but I want to gain your trust again, can I come in?" he asked. You sighed, but let him in. He placed the roses and chocolate on the coffee table and sat down next to you. "I told the girl who was sending me pictures to stop, I told her that I needed to stop disrespecting you," he said. "Give me one good reason, one good reason that I should trust you again," you said. He took your hand in his and gently lifted your head. "Because I love you, and I'm willing to earn your trust back," he answered.

You gave him a small half-smile. "Yeah, that is true, come here," you gently hugged him and ran your hand gently down his back. "I forgive you," you whispered. Suddenly, he kissed you and he gently laid you down on the couch. "I forgive you, just don't ever do that again," you said. He nodded, and he kissed you again with passion and desire.

Duncan: After Duncan admitted that he cheated on you, you felt betrayed, and you didn't want to do anything. One morning, you got up to get a cup of coffee, and you saw Duncan sitting on the couch with tears in his eyes. "Y/n, can I talk to you, please I want to work things out between us," he said. Reluctantly, you sat down next to him. "There's not a lot to talk about, you cheated on me, you admitted it, what else is there to talk about?" you asked.

"I want to talk about this and work through this with you," he answered. For over an hour, he told you why he did what he did, and told you that he was willing to do anything to gain your trust back. "Okay, I'm willing to give you a second chance," you agreed. The two of you then hugged it out, and had breakfast.

Isadora: It had been over a month since you and Isadora broke up, you started to feel very lonely. One day, when you were out at the mall, you got a phone call from Isadora. "What do you want?" you asked. "Meet me at the park at 5:30," was all she said. "Okay," you then hung up the phone, finished your shopping, and went to the park. You saw Isadora sitting on a bench holding a small bouquet of daisies.

"Y/n, I missed you so much, ever since we broke up, I've been crying myself to sleep, regretting the things that I have done, I know I don't deserve you, but I want to get back together with you, please let me make things right," she tearfully asked. You started crying, and you gently hugged her. "I missed you too," you whispered. She started smiling and gently kissed your lips.

Quigley: After the incident with the Baudelaire's you decided to talk with Quigley. While you were at lunch, you texted him

Hey, meet me at the beach; I want to talk to you.

After a minute had passed, he responded to your text.

Okay, I'll be there

After you finished lunch, you drove to the beach and you sat down next to Quigley in the sand. "Hi," you said. "Y/n let me explain what happened at the Baudelaire's, I didn't kiss Violet, she kissed me," Quigley explained.

You didn't know if that was the truth, or if it was just an excuse to try to get back together with you. "Is it true?" you asked. "Yes, after you left, I told Violet that we couldn't be together, and I needed to make things right with you, I really do love you Y/n, I'm sorry," he said his voice slightly breaking. "If that's the case, that's nothing to be sorry about," you said slightly smiling. A smile spread across Quigley's face and you pulled him into a kiss.

Esme: You and Esme hadn't talked to each other for a few days; you stayed at a nearby hotel and spent most of your time in bed. Then you got a phone call from the front desk telling you that there was someone who wanted to talk to you. You took the elevator downstairs and saw that it was Esme.

"Y/n, I'm sorry for cheating on you, please give me a chance to make things right," she said holding out a small box of your favorite chocolates. You started smiling, and you ran into her arms, "Okay, I'll you give a second chance, please don't do that to me ever again," you begged. "I won't, I promise,"

Carmelita: For days, you refused to come out of your dorm, or even attend classes, you didn't care how many of Nero's recitals you missed, the pain of Carmelita betraying you was excruciating. You heard a knock on your door, you were hoping that it wasn't Nero or any of Carmelita's friends. But when you opened the door, you saw it was Carmelita wearing a black version of her pink dress.

"You've got some nerve coming here for the shit you said to your little friends," you said. She looked up at you and you saw that she had been crying. "Y/n, I didn't mean those things that I said, I was frustrated, I know that's no excuse to talk bad about you. I want to get back together with you," she sobbed. Seeing her cry made you start crying. Without a second thought, you hugged her. "I forgive you Carmelita; just don't talk bad about me again,"

Olaf: On your way home, you and Olaf didn't say one word to each other. But after you ate dinner, Olaf sat down next to you. "Y/n, please let me explain, when your understudy started hitting on me, I tried to tell her that I was with you, but she got mad, and she kissed me, I didn't kiss her I swear to you," he said gently grabbing your hand. You looked up at him hoping that it was the truth. "Are you being honest with me?" you asked. He nodded, and leaned in towards you and kissed you. "Then, in that case, I'll get back together with you,"

Fiona: After you and Fiona broke up, you avoided each other completely, the only person who you confided in, was Cookie, he tried to help you find a bright side, but there was none. One day, you were helping him make dinner, and you started crying. "What's wrong?" he asked. "I'm just thinking about Fiona, I miss being in a relationship with her," you sniffled. Cookie gently hugged you making you feel slightly better.

"I miss being in a relationship with you too, Y/n," Fiona said from the doorframe. You looked up and ran over to her. She took your head in her hands and smiled. "I want to get back together with you," she whispered. You smiled back at her, and gently kissed her, silently telling her that you wanted to get back together with her.

Lemony: When Lemony left to try to rekindle his spark with Beatrice, you cried yourself to sleep every night thinking about him. Then, a week after you broke up, you heard a knock on the door. When you opened it, you saw it was Lemony, soaking wet from the rain holding out a bouquet of flowers. With a note attached to it. You took the note and opened it.

Y/n, my love for you was never a lie, I'm sorry that I hurt you. I want to get back together with you. Please, take me back. You looked at him and slowly smiled. "Yes, I'll get back together with you," you answered pulling him into a kiss.

A Series of Unfortunate Events Imagines and PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now