You give birth

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A/n: Alright, I've been waiting so long to post this chapter, By the way, you don't have to name your kids the names that I put in the chapter those are just sample names, you can choose your own names if you want! Anyways, hope you enjoy!

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Klaus: You had been in labor for five grueling hours and your baby girl did not want to come out, you could tell that she was trying her hardest to not leave the safety of your womb. "Come on baby girl, you have to come out, we want to meet you," you said to your belly. Then, your doctor entered the room and checked to see how dilated you were. To your surprise, you were ten centimeters dilated.

"Okay Mrs. Baudelaire, on the next contraction I need you to push okay?" your doctor said. "I'm right here sweetheart, take my hand," Klaus whispered. You took his hand as you felt contraction rip through you. You pushed as hard you could and after a few more pushes, you felt some relief.

"Alright, her head is out, just one more push and you'll see your baby," You were tired and you felt like you didn't have the strength to push anymore, but after looking back at Klaus, he gave you a reassuring smile and that gave you the strength to push. You kept pushing until you heard your little girl's cries fill the room. You and Klaus cried happy tears as your daughter was placed on your chest.

"Baby, she's absolutely perfect," he whispered gently wrapping a finger around the small tufts of her hair. "Mr. Baudelaire would you like to cut the cord?" your doctor asked offering him a pair of small scissors. "Yes, I would like to," he answered. You watched as Klaus cut the cord and your daughter was free.

After the nurse got her cleaned up, you and Klaus looked down at the little girl in your arms. "What should we name her?" he asked. "How about Addelyn?" you suggested. He smiled and nodded at the name. "I love that name, welcome to the world Addelyn Baudelaire," he whispered to your little girl.

 "I love that name, welcome to the world Addelyn Baudelaire," he whispered to your little girl

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Addelyn Baudelaire born on January 29th

Duncan: Shortly after you and Duncan found out you were having twins, you found out shortly afterward that you had a high risk pregnancy because of the pressure your twins were putting on your womb.  So you decided that having a C-section would be the best option for you. As the doctors got to work, Duncan held your hand and smiled at you. "Your doing awesome, sweetheart," he whispered. "Thanks, I can't wait to meet our twins," you smiled. You felt a small tugging sensation but you were told that was normal during a C-section.

"Alright, Mrs. Quagmire here comes Baby A," a voice from behind the curtain said. Then, the room was filled with the sound of first baby crying. One of the nurses pulled down the curtain slightly so you could get a quick glance at your child. "It's a girl!" the nurse smiled from behind her mask. You were so happy that you and Duncan had a daughter now, there was only one baby left. A few minutes later, you heard another cry fill the room and your second child had arrived.  One of the nurses once again pulled down the curtain slightly so you could see your baby.

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