The Best Birthday Gift Ever Klaus Baudelaire x reader

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Y/n's P.O.V.

Today was Klaus' birthday, and I had a very special surprise for him. I had been working on it for a whole week and now it was finally ready. I quietly got out of bed and made him some breakfast in bed. I was really excited for him to open his gifts later. When I was done making breakfast, the end result was three large fluffy pancakes with chocolate chips and whipped cream, a glass of orange juice and a few strips of bacon.

"Klaus, it's time to wake up," I whispered as I placed the tray of food on the bed. Klaus stretched his arms out and sat up in the bed giving me a small smile. "Morning baby," he smiled. "Happy birthday Klaus, I love you so much," I smiled placing the tray on his lap. He started grinning from ear-to-ear and I  leaned in so he could kiss me. "Thank you, I love it," he whispered. "Don't worry, there will be more later tonight," I smiled.

I watched as Klaus took a bite of the breakfast that I made and his eyes lit up. "So, what are we going to do today to celebrate?" he asked when he finished his breakfast. "It's a surprise," I smiled knowing exactly what it was. The rest of the day we spent together, I took him out to the mall and we walked through some of his favorite stores and I helped him pick some new outfits. Later that afternoon we got dinner at one of his favorite restaurants.

"Do you want any wine? I know you like to drink wine," Klaus asked. "No thanks, I'll just have water," I answered. "Okay," he said looking back at the menu. We had a large plate of spaghetti and when we got home. We had Klaus' birthday cake. It was a large vanilla cake with whipped cream frosting. it had the message "Happy Birthday Klaus!" spelled out in light blue frosting.

"Make a wish, my love," I smiled. Klaus gently closed his eyes and blew out the candles. "What did you wish for my love?" I asked. "I didn't wish for anything, everything that I've ever wanted is right here in front of me," he answered. We ate a few small slices of cake because we were still slightly full from the dinner that we had.

"Do you want to open your presents?" I asked. He nodded quickly and we sat down in the living room next to a big pile of presents. "Here, I think you should open this one first," I smiled handing him a large clothing box that was wrapped in white and gold wrapping paper. Klaus eagerly tore open the paper and opening the box. He pulled out a gray shirt that said, #1 Dad.

"Wait a minute, why does it say dad?" he asked. I started blushing red hoping that he would figure it out on his own. "Why do you think it means #1 dad?" I asked. Klaus looked at the shirt again, and then back at me and I could see a small look of realization spread across his face. "A-are you p-pregnant?" he asked his breath shaking slightly.

I nodded and wiped a tear of happiness off of my cheek. "Yes Klaus, I'm pregnant," I answered. Klaus walked over to the couch and gently placed a hand on my flat stomach. "A baby, we're gonna have a baby!" he smiled. I ran a hand through his hair and gently kissed his head. "This is the best birthday gift ever Y/n, thank you for making me the happiest man alive!" he smiled.

I crashed my lips onto his and we sat there on the couch holding each other close. Thinking about the baby that was growing inside of me.

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