Pregnancy lead up to the birth

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A/n: Alright guys, before this preference begins, I wanted to say that preferences in these chapters are different moments from your pregnancy. So, hope you guys enjoy!

Klaus: Finding out the gender

You and Klaus had to get up early for a doctor's appointment today was finally the day where you would find out the gender of your baby. As you and Klaus sat in the waiting room, you couldn't help but imagine the look on Klaus' face when the both of you found if you were having a boy or a girl.

"Y/n Baudelaire?" the doctor called out. You and Klaus stood up as you walked into the ultrasound room. "Are you two exciting to see your baby?" your doctor asked. The both of you nodded, and after doing a routine checkup, it was time to see your baby. When the picture appeared on the screen, you and Klaus smiled at each other then looked back at the screen.

"Would you two like to know the gender?" the doctor asked. The both of you nodded and you two made your guesses. "I think it's a boy," you answered. "No, it's a girl, most Baudelaire's are girls," Klaus answered. "Well, you are correct Mr. Baudelaire, you're having a little girl!" the doctor smiled. You smiled at the thought about having a daughter and you saw Klaus was very happy, not only because he was correct, but because he was going to have two girls to spoil. "Thank you, Y/n you've made the happiest man alive!" he smiled.

Duncan: Finding out your having twins

You and Duncan had to get up early for a doctor's appointment to check on the progress of your baby. After waiting for a half an hour in the waiting room, the doctor came out and called your name. "How are you doing today, Mr. and Mrs. Quagmire?" the doctor asked as she prepared the ultrasound machine. "We're doing great; we're very excited about seeing our baby for the first time," you answered. 

You laid down on the small bed, and you felt the cold air hit your stomach as soon as the doctor lifted up your shirt and squirted a small amount of a clear liquid on your belly. An image of your baby appeared on the screen and you started crying happy tears almost immediately. "Wait a minute, I'm picking up two heartbeats," the doctor said. You were confused and looked at Duncan who looked concerned. "Is it her heartbeat and the baby's heartbeat?" he asked. "No, it isn't, do you two have a family history of twins?" the doctor asked.

You didn't have a history of twins, but you knew Duncan had a history of triplets. "No, but I am the eldest triplet in my family," Duncan answered. "Well, congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Quagmire, you're having twins!" the doctor smiled from behind her face mask. You and Duncan were so happy, not only because you were having a baby, you were having twins.

Quigley: First kick

You were six months pregnant, and you were starting to feel a little uncomfortable with your baby bump being in the way. "Quigley, could you grab my pregnancy pillow?" you asked. He brought over the snake-shaped pillow and he helped you lay down on the bed. "I cannot wait until this baby comes out, it hurts so bad," you groaned.

Quigley laid down next to you and softly stroked your hair. "I know it hurts sweetie, but the pain will be worth it. In the end, we'll have a beautiful baby," he smiled. Then, you felt a small fluttering sensation inside your stomach, "I think they're kicking, do you want to feel?" you asked. Quigley nodded and placed a hand on your stomach, and his eyes grew wide as the baby continued to kick.

"I think they want to say hi to their daddy," you smiled. Quigley carefully rested his head on your stomach and listened to the sound of the baby moving around. "Hey baby, it's your daddy, we love you so much and we can't wait to meet you," he whispered as he placed a small kiss on your stomach.

Olaf: Baby bump

You and Olaf had to go out to celebrate a friend's birthday, while everybody else was drinking, you would be sipping on virgin strawberry daiquiris. While Olaf was getting ready, you looked through your closet and tried to find an outfit to wear. You finally settled on a knee length black dress.

It felt slightly snug against your belly, but you thought nothing of it. When you were done putting on your dress, you helped Olaf with his suit. "You look beautiful," he smiled. You couldn't help but blush a deep pink. When you were done, you turned around and looked in the mirror where you noticed you bump was becoming more noticeable. Olaf placed a hand on your stomach and smiled. "We can see you little one, mommy and daddy love you so much," he whispered to your stomach.

Lemony: Talking to the baby

You were seven months pregnant and you were very tired. Even though Lemony would do most of the work while you took it easy, you still felt uncomfortable with the baby putting a lot of pressure on your body. It also didn't help the baby would be restless at night and would kick nonstop.

You and Lemony were lying in bed together when your baby started kicking you again. You let out a small groan and prayed that they would stop. "I can talk to them if that will help you feel better," Lemony offered after he saw how much pain you were in. "Thanks, I think that the baby wants your attention," you sighed as you sat up slightly in the bed. Lemony placed a hand on your stomach and started to rub it gently almost immediately calming down the baby.

"Hey baby, mommy needs to get some rest okay, could you please settle down for a least a few hours while she sleeps?" he asked. You started to smile while he talked to the baby and you pictured him holding your child and talking to them after they were born. As he continued talking to the baby, you gently stroked his hair. "Hopefully I got them to calm down," he smiled. "Thank you Lemony, I needed this," you said as he leaned in to kiss you.

"Try to get some sleep okay?" You nodded, and slowly closed your eyes as you pictured the day you would see your baby.

A/n: So which one was your favorite? My personal favorite was either the Klaus or Quigley one,  Hope you guys enjoyed, stay tuned for more my lovelies!

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