Holy Cow! Thank You!

829 7 5

Wow guys, Asoue Imagines and Preferences has now reached 5.02k reads! Thank you guys so much I'm glad you enjoy reading my work! This wasn't the only thing that I woke up to this morning...

#1 Isadora Quagmire

#2 Count Olaf

#6 Violet Baudelaire

#8 Klaus Baudelaire

#22 Asoue

#19 A series of unfortunate events

#9 Duncan Quagmire

#703 Preferences

#8 Quigley Quagmire

#41 Preferences and Imagines

I'm speechless right now, Thank you all so much!

With love,


A Series of Unfortunate Events Imagines and PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now