Sacrifice Violet Baudelaire x Reader

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A/n: Hey guys, before this chapter begins, I just want to say this takes place during The Penultimate Peril, I changed a few things in this one-shot, Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy!

Y/n's P.O.V.

The Baudelaire's and I were in another life or death situation. Olaf had overheard us asking Dewey Denouement what's inside the sugar bowl and we watched as Carmelita and Olaf started arguing about teaching her how to spit in exchange for shooting the harpoon.

"I WILL NEVER TEACH YOU TO SPIT AS LONG AS I BREATHE!" Olaf screamed. Carmelita had one of her temper tantrums and I tried my best to stifle a laugh. While Olaf was breaking up with Esme, we tried to sneak away but Olaf held the harpoon gun in his hand threatening to shoot us. "All I need is the Baudelaire fortune and the three phases to open the V.F.D. lock!" He wickedly grinned. "Even if you open it, you'll find nothing in the laundry room except laundry," Dewey sighed.

I had a bad feeling that something bad was going happen even if we somehow convinced Olaf to not shoot us. The Baudelaire's and I had been through enough already, and I was determined to put an end to these horrific events. "I may have a handsome and youthful glow, but I wasn't born yesterday, I'll give you to count of ten. One... two..." Without a second thought, I stood in front of Dewey shielding him from Olaf.

"If you shoot him, you'll have to shoot me!" I said trying my best to stay calm. "I can live with that, three..." Violet then stood in front of me. "You'll have to shoot me too," she said. Olaf's wicked smile started to turn into a small grin. "Your just sweetening the pot, four..." Klaus jumped in front of us, I could tell he was shaking but he was trying to hide it. "You'll have to shoot as well," The wicked grin on Olaf's face grew wider. "Baudelaire's, what are you doing?" Dewey asked.

"If he shoots us, he'll never get his hands on the Baudelaire fortune," Violet answered not taking her gaze away from Olaf's. "There's still the baby, Five!" Then, Sunny stood in front of us and Olaf started shaking slightly as the Baudelaire's slowly walked towards Olaf. I stayed behind to protect Dewey. "Dewey, you have to get out of here," I whispered. But he shook his head, "I'm not going to leave the four of you to die," he answered.

"I have a feeling something bad is gonna happen either way, you have to go!" I pleaded but Dewey still shook his head refusing to get out of the way of the harpoon gun. The Baudelaire's continued slowly walking towards Olaf. My heart was pounding inside of my chest and I silently prayed that everything would be okay.

"You don't have to do this," Violet said softly putting her hands on the harpoon gun. "It's all I know how to do," Olaf sighed. Then someone came outside and asked what was going on. Olaf dropped the gun and I knew that the harpoon would come on and shoot one of us. I quickly pushed Dewey out of the way, and I felt a sharp pain hit my side and let out a loud scream.

"Good god, that girl's been shot!" the figure gasped. Everyone looked at me in horror as I fell to the ground clutching my side. "Y/n!" The Baudelaire's shouted as they ran to my side. Violet pulled me into her lap while Klaus and Sunny grabbed my hand. "Y/n, look at me! We're gonna get you help!" she said. I tried to say something, but I was cut off by blood pouring out of my mouth. "I-I lo-lov," I struggled to say. Then, I felt all my strength slip away and I began falling into darkness.

Violet's P.O.V.

As Y/n fell back in my lap, I refused to believe that the girl that I grew up with was gone. I held her in my embrace and I felt Dewey try to pull me off of Y/n. "No! No don't leave me!" I screamed. A few moments later, I heard the sound of sirens approach The Hotel Denouement and Klaus had to hold me close while the paramedics checked y/n.

"She's breathing," they confirmed. I let out a sigh of relief and I cried into Klaus' shoulder as they placed Y/n in the ambulance to take her to the hospital. "She's a fighter, she's gonna make it," Klaus whispered. I wanted to believe him, but all we could do was hope.

Y/n's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of a heartbeat monitor, and I realized that I was in the hospital. I tried to sit up in the hospital bed but I felt a burning pain in my side, I looked down and I saw I had a large amount of gauze wrapped around my waist. I looked over to the end of the room and saw the Baudelaire's sitting on the couch sleeping, they looked tired to say the least.

Violet moved slightly, and I watched as her eyes fluttered open and she gasped when she noticed that I was awake. "Y/n!" She smiled walking over to the bed. We carefully embraced each other and she gently rested her forehead against mine. "Is Dewey alright?" I asked. "He's fine, he would be dead if you didn't push him out of the way," she answered. I was happy that I was still alive and I was glad that I had saved Dewey's life.

"I'm so glad your still alive, I was worried that I lost you," she whispered. I smiled at her and lightly brushed a piece of her hair out of the way. "I could never leave you Violet, I love you too much," Violet looked shocked and chuckled softly. "Say that again," she whispered. "I love you," I repeated. Then without a second thought, I crashed my lips onto hers. When we pulled apart, she laid down next to me on my bed and carefully pulled me closer to her.

A/n: I wish Dewey didn't get killed at the end of part one! That part makes me sad! But Anyways next chapter will be uploaded later today! Love you guys!

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