I found love Klaus Baudelaire x reader

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A/n: Alright guys, I just wrote this because I'm all lovey dovey again, so I hope you guys enjoy! Don't play the song yet.

Y/n's P.O.V.

When the final bell rang, I headed to my locker. I was so disappointed because my choir rehearsal got cancelled, usually whenever I had free time, I would hang out with my best friend Klaus but unfortunately, he got busy so I was all alone. When I opened my locker, I saw a bouquet of roses along with a sticky note in permanent marker that had the message...

Meet me in the auditorium after school,

Your bookworm,


I grabbed the bouquet of flowers from my locker and headed towards the auditorium which was in the left wing of the school. I opened the auditorium door and I saw was darkness. Then, I saw small lights that led to different rows in the auditorium so I followed the glowing trail to one of the rows of empty seats.

"Klaus, are you here?" I asked. Then a split second later, the stage lights came on revealing Klaus and my choir on the stage. "Y/n, I have something to tell you, but I'd like to tell you how I feel with a song," he smiled into the microphone. The choir start vocalizing and a piano started playing.

Play the song

And I'll use you as a warning sign,

That if you talk enough sense, then you'll lose your mind

And I'll use you a focal point

So I don't lose sight of what I want

And I've moved father than I thought I could

But I missed you more than I thought I would

And I'll use you as a warning sign

That if you talk enough sense, then you'll lose your mind

Oh and I found love where it wasn't supposed to be

Right in front of me, talk some sense to me

And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be

Right in front of me, talk some sense to me.

And I'll use you a makeshift gauge

Of how much to give and how much to take

Oh I'll use you as a warning sign

That if you talk enough sense then you'll lose you mind

Oh and I found love where it wasn't supposed to be

Right in front of me, talk some sense to me

And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be

Right in front of me, talk some sense to me

Oh and I found love where it wasn't supposed to be

Right in front of me, talk some sense to me

And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be

Right in front of me, talk some sense to me.

After the song ended, I started crying happy tears knowing what was going on. "Y/n, could you come up here with me?" he asked. I nodded, taking the bouquet onstage with me. "Y/n you are the most amazing girl I've ever met, You've been there for me whenever I needed you. You been my best friend for five years, and I would love to take our relationship to the next level. In other words, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked.

"Yes Klaus, I would love to be your girlfriend," I answered placing the bouquet of roses on the ground, He stared smiling and pulled me into a soft and tender kiss as my choir started clapping and cheering. "I love you so much," he whispered. "I love you too," I whispered back.

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