Stressed out Violet Baudelaire x reader

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A/n: Hey guys, before this chapter begins, I just wanted to say this was a request from @gaygaegaigirl Thank you so much for your request! I hope you enjoy!

Y/n's P.O.V.

Violet and I were sitting in her bedroom and we were working on fixing one of her inventions. Whenever the alarm clock in her room went off, there was supposed to be a mechanism that pulled the curtains open. It was working perfectly before, but then there was something wrong with it and Violet and I were having a hard time figuring how to fix it.

"I don't understand, after the alarm clock goes off, the mechanism is supposed to pull the curtains open," Violet sighed. We had been working on try to fix the invention for over an hour now, and we still couldn't figure out why it wasn't working properly. Suddenly,  Violet grabbed one of the nearby pillows on her bed and screamed into it.

"I worked so hard on this invention only for it to fail a few days later, was all my hard work for nothing?" she asked her voice breaking slightly. I pulled her into a hug and she started crying into my shoulder. "I know it's frustrating, and I'm sorry that this is hard for you, how about we take a break?" I suggested.

When we pulled apart, I lightly brushed her tears away and she started to smile again. "Thank you so much Y/n, I feel a lot better," she smiled. I gently ran a hand through her hair, and I felt her gently press her forehead against mine. Then without warning, she crashed her lips onto mine, I was shocked but I slowly sank into the kiss. Deep inside, I had feelings for Violet, but I didn't how to tell her. When we pulled apart, she had a look of regret.

"Was that awkward?" she asked. I shook my head and smiled, "No, it wasn't awkward," I returned the favor and crashed my lips onto hers and we started making out on the bed. "Hey Y/n, Violet, Mom wanted me to ask if- Oh my god!" Violet and I pulled out of the kiss and looked over our shoulders. It was Klaus and his eyes were wide as saucers. "Ever heard of knocking?" I asked. He didn't say a word but ran out of the room.

Violet and I looked at each other and tried to ignore the fact that Klaus walked in on us.

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