An explosive Brat

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Hello hello everyone! Wow I haven't wrote in this sorry In forever, My because I didn't think anyone liked it. But hey! These are fun to write anyways!

Thank you! Onto the story-

An Explosive Brat
Bakugo Katsuki. Most would just consider him the young angry hero in training. Though that wasn't all there was to know about him.

The day was mostly gloomy though it was a Friday so that attempted to lighten the atmosphere. One particular boy by the name of Katsuki Bakugo wasn't going along with the mood. At all. In fact he seemed to be in a worse mood than usual and that was saying something. The explosive boy trudged down the UA hallways shoes echoing surprisingly loud compared to everyone else. He was daydreaming trying to escape from the foul mood he was in, the thing about katsuki was that, he was in the ddlb community and he was a switch as far as daddy/little.

"Hey bro!"

Katsuki held an arm be slung over his shoulder shaking him from his daze like state. Katsuki glare of at the red headed boy; smiling away like an idiot. Shitty hair. He quickly shook the arm off himself lightning rolling his eyes

"Fuck off, Dumb hair"

Katsuki spat glare intensifying as if he could have brunt a hole through Kirishima. With that the boy walked off to his dorm slamming the door behind himself.

"Uh.. bye dude"

Kirishima's prov-

Kirishima was confused to say the least. He looked towards the blondes dorm that was previously slammed. He rubbed the back of his neck before walking off to his own dorm to try and put the pieces together.

Kirishima plopped down on the bed placing his arms behind his head looking at the dorm Ceiling, he got lost in thought. Like Katsuki, Kirishima was apart of the ddlb community as well, though was a switch when it came to the little/daddy parts. He hadn't had a little before though had done research when he did. Katsuki had been in a bad mood all week, being late to morning classes and leaves evening classes early. Kirishima had listened to the door one day when he was heading to his own dorm, he didn't hear much though he was sure he had heard Clifford The Big Red Dog. That moment had got him thinking that katsuki could have been a part of the ddlb community.  Today was the day he found out.

Kirishima walked out of the dorm and down the hallway to the blondes room. He knocked once.


There was no response

Kirishima knocked again and again no response though there was shuffling. Kirishima tried the door handle, it swung down and open with ease. Kirishima internally face palmed, as it slid open just wanting to see if it was unlocked. Though what he saw was semi shocking.

Katsuki sat on his bed in a orange onesie and a bottle  sitting on his beside table filled with what he could guess was a juice of some kind. Kirishima took a step back, trying to be quiet but it wasn't enough. Bakugo looked over looking at Kirishima grip tightening on his bedsheets.

"Wha- what are you doing? Get out Extwa!"

Katsuki struggled with the word extra, he was around the age of 3 in his mindset. He threw a blanket towards Kirishima lightly stomping the bed. He was mostly being fussy due to not being able to take his nap.

Kirishima moved out of the way of the blanket "hey buddy" he started gently though a shoe was thrown at his abdomen. He semi buckled over before walking into the room shutting the door behind himself. "Someone's grumpy huh?" He cooed only to receive a growl from the boy making him stop.

"Out! Out! Out!"

Katsuki pretty much scream standing up on the bed, "listen to me stupid" he huffed brows furrowing. Kirishima wasn't shocked at the boys behavior. He picked up on the small signs assuming it was worse because the boy was tired. "Let's take a nap huh? That'll make you feel better" Kirishima started gently  wanting the boy to calm down, he moved over and picked up the bottle. He sat down on the edge of the bed patting the spot beside himself.

Katsuki looked down at the door arms crossed as he huffed and sat down. Kirishima offered him the bottle to which he Jammed into his mouth and started to suck down.

Luckily the boy started to get drowsy and hardly able to keep his eyes open. Kirishima placed the blanket over him before standing, a hand gripped him pulling Kirishima back onto the bed.

Katsuki fell asleep snoring as he did, fingers interlocked in Kirishima's shirt making sure he didn't go anywhere.

He was as close to peaceful as Katsuki got.

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