5. An Emitter

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Kurapika POV:

It's been just under a month and Leorio has picked up Nen surprisingly quickly - he gets frustrated quickly but he always tries again. I'm so proud of him and I feel bad for underestimating this guy.

"Kurapika. It's been a month - when can I learn which Nen I have?" he demanded.

"Well... I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try now" I said as I grabbed a glass from the cupboard and ripped a leaf from the half-dead house plant.

We sat on the sofa and I placed the glass of water in front of us.
"So I want you to hold this glass and just focus all of your aura into it. Ok?"

He nodded and hastily placed his hands on the glass, his eyes fixed, observing the leaf for any movement. As the seconds went by, I could see the excitement in his eyes slightly fade away.

"I-It usually takes a few moments" I stuttered. However, he didn't listen to me, the water began to darken into a deep purple. Leorio's eyes lit up like a child on Christmas Day.

His excitement was contagious and I smiled, "You're an Emitter Leorio! You've passed the exam!"

He was in shock, he was smiling ear to ear, still starring at the glass. Then at me.

"I did it!" he shouted as he pulled me into a tight hug. "I did it!" he said beaming brighter than last time.

"Well done Leorio" I said as I returned the hug. "I'm so proud of you"

We stayed in that position for a while, until Leorio broke the silence.

"I love you"

What! "W-what?" I had butterflies in my stomach.

"O-oh. Um..." he pulled away, blushing, "I didn't mean it like that, y'know just- I just- I felt like I should say it..." he looked down, hiding a smile, "Thank you Kurapika."

"It's nothing" I responded.

We sat in silence. It wasn't awkward or tense. It was a comfortable silence.

After a while, he slapped his thighs and hoisted himself up. "Right." he looked at me. "I'm hungry, y'know being a pro hunter as great as I is not an easy job."

I laughed and leaned into the back of the sofa, "Let me guess... Pizza?"

"You bet" He laughed.

He really isn't as bad as I first sought him out to be.


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