20. Day 7 pt2

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Kurapika POV:

I woke up around mid-afternoon to the thunderous sound of Leorio's snores.

"Leorio, for the love of God, stop snoring!" I whisper-shouted as I pushed him.

His snoring came to an abrupt stop and he flung his arm and leg over me, pinning me down.

Due to the position he put us in, our faces were millimetres apart. I took the time to examine his face. He hasn't shaved in a while... His stubble is back.

Soon, he began to make small noises and his face started to twitch.

"Afternoon." I said with the slightest hint of sarcasm.

Leorio grunted, he rolled over on top of me and flopped down.

"Argh! Leorio you're so heavy!" I gasped. "Isn't your back supposed to be in pain!"

The more I began to squirm, the tighter he held on to me.

He began to kiss and blow on my neck, causing me to kick about more.

"Le-or-io!" I said between laughs. "Th-at tick-les!"

He giggled at my failing efforts to get him off.


We both stopped at the noise.

What the hell was that? That was way too loud to be his stomach!

He rubbed his head on my chest. "Kurapikaaa, I'm hungryyyy." He complained.

"Get off me, I'll make you some food." I said.

"Let's eat outttt." He suggested.

I nodded. "Go shower then."

He lifted his head and bent back down to my ear. "Would you like to join me?" He asked.

My face flushed purple. "No! That's so embarrassing! Stop!" I cried.

With a big smirk hanging off his lips, he stood up from the bed and started the shower.

I can't believe he just said that!

I scurried to the kitchen, embarrassed.

I turned the kettle on and begun preparing his coffee. It should be good to drink by the time he's finished.

Time skip ~7 minutes

The shower stopped and Leorio emerged from the bathroom, wearing only his jeans.

For someone in such bad shape, he's got a good body...

"I-I made you coffee." I accidentally stuttered.

He strided on over to me, cornering me in the kitchen.

"Do I make you nervous Kurapika?" He teased.

Despite my face burning, I kept a straight face. "No." In response, he crept closer to me. "What's gotten into today? Why are you being so... flirtatious?"

"I just think you're cute~" He giggled, stepping away from me.

"Okayyy... I'll go shower then."

He had a look of pure evil on his face and as I turned away:


What! He did not just-

His hand had make contact with my butt.

I stood still for a while, astonished at what he just did.

"I wish I could see your face right now!" He laughed.

Kurapika X Leorio - Behind the Scenes [a Hunter X Hunter fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now