22. Day 8 pt2

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Leorio POV:

I remember going to sleep on top on Kurapika but as I woke up, our roles had been switched; he was on top of me, sound asleep.

Despite sleeping pretty much all day yesterday, we'd managed to sleep till 12:00.

I grabbed his waist and pulled him closer to me. I began kissing his neck, only gently, but enough to wake him up.

"Leorio, stop... I'm awake y'know?" He mumbled.

I was one hundred percent sure he was asleep just then...

"Have you been awake this whole time?" I asked.

"Mhm..." He lifted his head up to face me. "You're so cute." He said in his usual half-serious tone.

"You're cute too~" We pecked each other on the lips and he placed his head back on my chest.

"Why are you on top of me? Shouldn't be the other way around~" I said suggestively.

He looked a bit confused, clearly my joke had gone over his head. "Leorio... That's... That's kinda creepy..."

Creepy! How dare he call me creepy! What do I even say to that!

"I'm not creepy Kurapika, I just like you. That's all." I said with confidence. However, my confidence was about to be stomped on by the man on top of me.

"Actually... Come to think of it... You're really creepy..." He casually stated, rolling off to the side of me.

"What!" I tried to joke. "I'm not creepy! Give me some examples."

"Well... Asking that lady to flash you at the Hunter exam... The ex you told me about- the red haired one... Slapping my butt... Those magazines in the bathroom..."

I felt my stomach drop. "You saw the magazines?"

He nodded. "Unfortunately."

"Oh- Well- You make it seem like I'm really creepy! You're missing out the nice stuff so of course I look bad!" I protested.

"Sure... Creep."

I flung myself up.

"I'm not a creep!" I argued, growing a tiny bit aggressive.

He jumped out of bed and strided away; singing: "Creepy~ Creepy~ Leorio is Creepy~"

I began to chase after him but he dodged me. He ran to one side of the sofa while I stood opposite him.

"We're not starting this." I said, already out of breath.

He giggled. "Just admit you're a bit creepy."

"I'm not!" I reached over the sofa in attempt to grab his shirt.

He jumped back. "See, you can't even keep your hands to yourself." He teased.

I walked around the sofa and both me and him started to circle around one another.

Every now and then, he'd throw a playful insult my way.

Eventually, he ran to the bedroom, quickly shutting the door.

Instinctively, I followed. I swung open the door to see no Kurapika.

Ah so he's hiding.

"You can run but you can't hide~" I called out.

"Psycho creep!" I heard Kurapika whisper, just loud enough for me to hear.

The sound came from the curtains.

His feet are sticking out... Does he think I'm stupid?

I smugly walked over to the curtains and pulled them back.

As our eyes met, he seemed genuinely shocked I found him.

"H-hey..." He gasped and pointed behind me. "What's that!" He declared while acting worst acting I'd ever seen.

To muse him, I looked back. He tried to escape but I quickly grabbed his wrist and tackled him to the bed.

I began to tickle his stomach and kiss his neck, causing him to  kick about.

I knew he was ticklish in those spots

"Le-or-io! Th-at tick-les!" He burst out laughing, trying to get me to stop.

I eventually stopped for a second. "Am I creepy?" I asked again.

"Mhm" He replied, to which I begun tickling him again.

"Ok-ay, ok-ay yo-u're no-t cree-py! St-op!"

After hearing the answer I wanted to hear, I did as he asked.

As he was catching his breath back, I smirked at the position we were in. I had him completely pinned down on the edge of the bed.

Once the atmosphere died down, we found eachother staring into one another's eyes.

He lifted his neck and indicated a kiss. Soon, it had turned into a full make-out session. Our tongues danced around as our faces reddened.

All of a sudden, he broke away and turned his head to the side.

"What is it?" I quietly asked.

"I want t-to to-touch you..." He stammered.

I released my grip on his wrists and he moved his hands to my chest, slowly framing my body.

"C-can I be on t-top too?" He asked.

"Needy today huh?" I joked in an attempt to hide my fluster.

He waited for my response.

I'm a man. I should be on top!

But... Kurapika's also a man...

Eventually I nodded and we switched. He sat on my lower abdomen, knees either side of my hips.

He cupped my face and indicated the second kiss.

Ah this is hurting my neck...

"Kurapika, switch with me again, this is uncomfortable."

"No." He stated loud and clear. He grabbed a pillow and supported my neck with both the pillow and his hand.

"That'll make it better. Oh! And..." He grabbed my arm and pulled it around his waist. "...this."

"Are you comfortable yet, Your Majesty?" He teased.

I mimicked the fake pout he often does. "Mhm."

He once again cupped my face and bent down to lay a kiss on me.

After a while, this isn't as bad, I have to do barely any work.

As our kiss grew more intense, my emotions started to take full control.

I untightened my sweatpants and grabbed his hand, guiding it down my body.

I felt his body tense up but he continued to go with the flow.

My hand, which was on his waist, slowly began to creep down his shorts to his upper thigh.

I'd not even moved his shorts a millimetre went he shot up and grabbed my hand.

"I'm sorry..." He mumbled, glancing to the floor.

Oh no I was too into the moment.

"No. I'm sorry... I knew you were uncomfortable to begin with... I shouldn't force you..."

He smiled weakly. I slowly sat up, careful not to push him off of me.

His body weight fell into my shoulder and he left small pecks on my arm.

"Come on, let's get on with our day." He said. "We can watch horror movies tonight!"

"That'd be great."


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