9. Day 2

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Leorio POV:

I slept on the sofa again last night. I didn't get much sleep but I felt bad for getting into bed with Kurapika...

It was 9:35am when I began my study session. I'm taking my university entrance exam in a few months so I need to cram.

"Which one's the visual cortex and which one is the auditory cortex?" I whispered to myself.

Ah I need to check the answer but the book I need is in my room and Kurapika is sleeping. Come to think of it - he should be wake by now.. it's 11:20.

I walked into the bedroom to see Kurapika fast asleep, mumbling some incoherent sleep-talk. I walked around the bed, careful to not make any sound and to just grab my book and leave.

I was searching around the room when I heard shuffling behind me.


"Morning Kura, I was just grabbing something, don't worry."

"Leorio I think I have a temperature..." he said sleepily.

"Oh?" I replied as I walked to the side of the bed and instinctively placed the back of my hand on his forehead. "Wow you do - I'll go get you some breakfast and medicine. Stay here."

I rushed out the room to prepare him some warm soup and paracetamol. I was too worried to stop and think and before I knew it, I was back by his side.

"Here." I pulled the pillow from behind him and helped him sit up. "Eat the soup first before you take your medicine." I advised.

He turned his head away. "No. I'm not hungry."

"Kurapika eat the soup." I insisted.

"I'm don't wanna." he sulked.

I gripped the bowl of soup and picked up the spoon and sighed.

"Here come the aeroplane!" I mimicked as I moved the spoon around.

Kurapika opened his mouth and I landed the spoon to its destination. He smirked, trying to hide his smile.

"Are you going to eat now?" I asked.

He turned his head to the side and sulked again.

"Well I guess that means another aeroplane then." I joked.

His eyes lit up and he turned his head back, waiting for the plane to arrive.

He joyfully took another spoonful of soup and thanked me.

"It's ok. I'm going to go back to studying now, make sure you eat at least half of that soup before you take your medicine." I checked his temperature again to make sure it hadn't gotten worse.

"If you need anything I'm right next door." I got up to leave-

"Wait" Kurapika announced.

Yes! Please ask me to stay, please ask me to stay.

"Your book." he said, pointing to the mess of books I made earlier.


"Oh." I said flatly. "Thanks." I grabbed a random book from the pile and left.


It was 6:15pm- Oh god I must have fell asleep on the floor. I sat up, gathering my thoughts.


I stood up and marched to my room, opening the door to see Kurapika asleep, sitting upright, bowl in hands.

He's taken his medicine, that's good.

I quietly walked over to him and checked his temperature- it was still warm but significantly better.

Kurapika slowly opened his eyes at my touch, he took ahold of my hand that was on his forehead and lowered it.

"Thank you for taking care of me." he said calmly.

"It's ok, glad you're feeling better" I replied.

He lifted the bowl in his hands, "Look I ate it all" he proudly stated.

He's like a little kid.

"Well done" I softly giggled, messing up his bed head.

He closed his eyes in contentment and so I sat down and continued to pet his hair.

He puts up this cold exterior but once you get closer to him- he's so warm and loving.

We stayed like that for the best of 2 minutes, enjoying one another's company until my stomach growled.

"Hey, do you feel ok to eat now? Do you maybe wanna go out to eat tonight?" I asked.

He nodded. "Ok. I'll get in the shower then." I patted his head one last time before he went and refreshed up.

Does this count as a date?


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