24. Day 9 pt2

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Kurapika POV:

"Kurapika we're leaving in 30 minutes, get ready." Leorio said, hanging out the bedroom door.

"Can you help me?" I mumbled, flopping off the sofa.

Living with Leorio has made me incredibly lazy...

"If you want to shower with me, just ask. No need to be so... Indirect~" He teased.

I stood up and scoffed, slugging my way to the shower.

"I'm NOT showering with you!" I called from the bathroom.

I heard him laugh in response.


Oh no I forgot to grab a fresh set of clothes...

Fortunately, there was a single pair of boxers left in the laundry basket.

I think these are Leorio's... Oh well.

I wrapped a towel around my body and slipped them on underneath; they were a little loose but still fit.

"Leorio get out I need to change." I said casually as I walked into the bedroom.

With a small blush, he stood up, holding a small short-sleeved black button-up shirt and some comfortable white shorts.

"I'll help you! I already picked out an outfit for you~" He giggled, holding the clothes out in front of him.

I reached for the clothes but he quickly moved them out the way.

I stumbled a bit, causing my towel to drop.

We both stared at one another, turning equally red as I watched his eyes start to wonder down my body.

Once I'd come to my senses, I turned to the side and covered my chest.

"Leorio stop looking..." I pleaded. "Get out..."

He stood awkwardly, like a teenage boy discovering a naked body for the first time, unable to look away. He let out small mumbles; attempting to respond to the situation.

Eventually, his body had stepped closer to mine, he paused for a moment but then began to slot my arms through the shirt and button it up.

The shorts that had been resting on his right arm were soon being pulled up my legs by Leorio.

We shared a stunned silence.

"That was kinda awkward, huh..." He chuckled, glancing at his watch. "Well... Go do your hair, we're leaving in five minutes."

I nodded and he left the room.

I quickly dried my hair, put on some perfume and joined Leorio who was waiting by the door.

I grabbed his hand and we exchanged smiles.


We arrived at the bar, 6:30 on the dot. As we walked inside, we let go of eachother's hands.

There was a reasonable amount of people in the bar; it wasn't packed but there was a bit of a crowd.

"Hey Leorio!" A voice yelled from our left.

"Takeda!" Leorio called back as we made our way to the table.

There were 6 men sat around the table, joyfully conversing.

"Oh Leorio!" One man announced, causing the other men to look at us.

"Hey guys! Been a while, hasn't it?" He responded.

"Of course dude!" Another friend chimed in. "Is this your girlfriend?" He said innocently.

Before he could respond, the group began loudly chattering in unison.

"Leorio got a girlfriend!"

"She's gorgeous, eh!"

"Congratulations man!"

Leorio abruptly cleared his throat, causing his friends to quiet down.

"Um guys... This is Kurapika. HE is my roommate."

There was a quick silence, followed by obnoxious laughter. One man stood up and placed his hand on Leorio's shoulder. "Sorry man." He laughed, pulling Leorio into his seat.

I stood with my usual polite smile, trying not to get too annoyed.

All of these guys are just like Leorio... I can see why they're friends...

Soon, I was squeezed in-between two of his friends. To the left of me was a short man, who was fully engaged in the conversation. However, the man to the right of me stood out. He was a tall blonde man, about 4cm shorter than Leorio.

He was the only one not drinking so I assumed he was driving. He wasn't apart of the conversation and glanced to me.

"My name is Saisho." He smiled and held out his hand.

"Kurapika." I responded, shaking his hand.

The short man next to me nudged my arm.

"So you're a Hunter too are ya Kurapika?" He asked, giving me an opening to join the conversation.

"Mhm." I smiled.

"What was this guy like?" The man sat next to Leorio said. "I still can't believe he ACTUALLY passed."

Leorio hit his friend and laughed. "I'm incredible what do you mean!"

"Incredibly stupid." Saisho joked, causing everyone to, once again, erupt with laughter.

After a few drinks, we all became more and more rowdy. They reminisced on their high school days with Leorio.

This is where my memory started to get hazy... Throughout the night, me and Saisho had small conversations with eachother.

At some point, I bumped into him in the bathrooms and we got to talking.

He told me he was visiting home from France and tonight was a sort of reunion party for before he left.

We must had been talking for quite a while because once we returned, the table had quietened down. Three of the men, including Leorio, were passed out.

In my drunken state, I attempted to lift him, however I was unsuccessful.

"Let me help." My new acquaintance said as he easily held Leorio up by the waist. "Do you need a lift? I think Leorio's apartment is on my way to my house."

And with that, we were in his car, parked outside Leorio's apartment complex. Saisho had to assist both me and Leorio up the stairs and inside of our apartment.

Leorio had thrown up all over him as soon as we walked through the door. I offered to clean his shirt; we left Leorio on the sofa and went to the bathroom together...


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