1. The Real Exam?

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Kurapika paced around the office with frustration.

"Look- I'm a Hunter!"

The boy held up his license once again.

"From what I see, you're not a proper Hunter yet." the woman scoffed.

At this point, steam was coming out of Kurapika's ears as he shook his license in front of the girl.

"It has MY name on it - it's a Hunter's license for crying out loud!"

The lady behind the desk's face didn't change; instead she leaned back into he chair and raised her right arm.

"Do you see this?" she asked.

"See what? There's nothing there!" Kurapika exclaimed, shaking with annoyance.

"If you can't see it then you haven't passed the 'actual' exam"

The woman had delivered the news of there being another Hunter's exam hundreds of times. But to this day, seeing hunter's reactions to learning this still amuses her.

"Haven't passed?" Kurapika whispered.

His face grew with anger and confusion - he was at a loss for words - he felt stupid - he almost felt betrayed at the hunter exam - 'what more could there possibly be to this exam-' he thought.

"Come back when you've become a 'real' hunter"

The woman's words cut off Kurapika's trail of thought, he looked down and stared at his license - he didn't know what to think. All he knew was that he was mad, he was mad that he didn't know there was another exam and he was mad he didn't know how to progress or go on.

He bowed at the lady behind the desk and half-heartedly thanked her.

Outside the hidden office, Kurapika strided through the abandoned city.

"Deep breaths" he said aloud as he tried to regain his composure.

- How could he avenge his clan if he's not a real hunter? How can he get a job without a true Hunter's license?

Kurapika was so lost in his spiralling thoughts that he didn't notice the tall, brown-haired man that just walked past him.


Kurapika X Leorio - Behind the Scenes [a Hunter X Hunter fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now