10. Day 2 pt2

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Kurapika POV:

I was stood in the shower, letting the water hit my body. Did he just ask me on a date? I hid my smile.

I'm probably overthinking this... Still - I do kinda wish it was a date.

I continued my shower.


"OW YE' FUCKER!" I heard Leorio yell.

I rushed to wrap my towel around me and opened the door, my hair covered in soapy suds.

"Leorio are you alright?" I scanned the room and saw him on the floor near the door; covered in books and a bookshelf half-hanging off the wall.

He rubbed the back of his head and mouthed the words "ow".

"Leorio-?" I asked softly.

He looked away, embarrassed, avoiding eye contact.

"You're not hurt are you-?" I pushed.

He raised his head to look at me, simultaneously rubbing the back of his head.

"Yeah" he finally spoke, taking his eyes off me. He stood up, hitting his head on the same bookshelf and knocking the remainder of it down. "It's gonna take more than some silly bookshelf to knock me down." He laughed awkwardly at his own joke and started collecting the fallen books.

"O-okay. Well I'll finish my shower then..." I spoke as I started turning away."

"Okay." he said in a deeper voice than usual, causing me to blush in response.

I finished my shower and we soon left to go eat.


Leorio POV:

Jesus Christ that was embarrassing earlier.

Me and Kurapika decided to go to a local pub, he didn't want anything fancy. He's so modest when it comes to himself. I thought.

There was general small talk until the waiter came and we placed our orders.

"We're eating out and you're STILL getting pizza?" Kurapika asked in a judgemental tone.

"Why not?" I giggled.

"Well I don't know, we've had pizza so often over the past month- aren't you bored of it?" he asked again, this time in a slightly serious tone.

"Well I've had you for a month and I'm not bored yet." I smirked as his expression grew.

"That's-" he spat, his face going red.

He's really cute when he's angry... just like a girl.

We continued talking, ever so slightly flirting back and forth until our food came;

"What's that?" Kurapika asked, pointing to a chili pepper.

"Hm, I don't know?" I said in my best confused voice. "Try it." I grabbed a fork from the middle of the table and fed him the chili, failing to hide my smirk.

He bit into the chili and soon his face started to redden, his eyes started watering and he started coughing, reaching out for his Coke.

I was absolutely pissing myself, gaining the attention of a few close-by pub-goers.

I grabbed his Coke and through his watery eyes, he gave me a death stare. "That'll make it worse..." I grabbed a water bottle from my bag. "... Try this."

He snatched the bottle and downed it's remains. I was laughing but I couldn't help but to blush and think: An indirect kiss.

We'd just finished our food, Kurapika still embarrassed about the chili incident when a waiter came up to us.

"Good afternoon, that man over there has ordered this drink for the both of you." He placed the two alcoholic beverages in front of us. "Please enjoy." The waiter walked away.

Me and Kurapika looked at eachother, he had a look of slight fear in his eyes. We simultaneously looked at the man, who was making his way to us. He sat down next to Kurapika.

"Hey pretty lady" he said with a evil grin.

Kurapika looked down and remained silent, causing an uncomfortable silence amongst the three of us.

"Thank you for the drinks, how much were they? I'll pay you back."

The man scowled at me and focused back of Kurapika, who was in great discomfort.

"They weren't for you - they were for this lovely woman over here." he stated, putting his arm over Kurapika's shoulders.

"Could you remove your hands?" Kurapika squeaked, making him appear more feminine.

"After I brought you a drink? The least you could do is be nice to me baby girl." The man said with growing aggression.

I stood up. "He said get your hands off. So hands off" I demanded.

He pulled a look of disgust and rose from his seat. "He?" he spat "Tsk... should've known you were some sissy girl-boy." He looked at me in revolt.
"You too." He raised his voice as he turned away. "Disgusting."

I would have killed him right there and then if I wasn't so nice.

I looked over at Kurapika whose head was still down. "You ok?"

He smiled and nodded. "Let's pay and go back home."

'Let's go back home?' he made it sound like we live together. I blushed at the thought that came to mind.

I picked up the cheque and we walked to the front desk to pay.

"Are you paying together or separately?" the lady asked.

"Together." I said as I confidently pulled out my credit card and Hunter's license.

Kurapika poked me in protest of me paying for him, however, I continued the transaction with a smug look on my face.

We left the pub and started our walk home.

"You didn't have to pay for me." he blushed.


Kurapika X Leorio - Behind the Scenes [a Hunter X Hunter fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now