18. Day 6 pt2

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Kurapika POV:

I proceeded towards the display on the table, Leorio following closely behind.

My whole body was shaking and my mind went blank. I was so shocked- so happy, so relieved.

I took my seat on the sofa and looked at Leorio.

His face was bright red and his hands were fidgeting. He stood awkwardly at the side of the sofa before joining me.

"What is all this?" I asked in a whisper.

"It's all for you..." He looked up at me, "I should have helped you around the house, I should have been grateful to have you-"

As he was talking, I took a sip from my wine.

"-I'm sorry Kurapika."

He stared at me, anxiously waiting for my answer.

I sighed, gaining my composure and getting serious.

"I'm sorry too. I've been acting so childish since yesterday... It's just when you said you didn't need me... It hurt. We've grown close recently and- and I didn't want you to consider me a burden..."

I was so nervous while saying that. What if he gets the wrong idea?

He took a big gulp of wine and deeply sighed.

He looked at me with sad eyes. "I shouldn't have said that Kurapika... I didn't mean it like that... I'm sorry."

I'm starting to become emotional but there's enough alcohol in my system for me to cry yet...

I looked away, examining the rose petals. "So you won't say it again?" I sniffed.

He paused so I spoke again. "Are you going to help me with the chores a bit now?"

He shuffled a few inches closer to me. "Of course. I'll do anything as soon as you ask me to."

I cracked a smile and filled the distance between us. "I'm sorry I spent some of our last days like this."

He slid his arm around me. His elbow resting on my shoulder as he petted my hair. I lent against his chest. He didn't respond to my statement but his answer was clear. He forgave me.

A single tear fell from my eye, causing Leorio to hold me tighter.

We stayed in that position for a few minutes. Melting into eachother's touch. I've missed this. It was only a day but it felt like years... Not being able to feel his warm touch killed me.

Soon he stopped petting my hair and reached for my wine glass. He leaned forward and refilled our drinks.

"Would you like some cake?" He said softly.

"Mhm~" I replied cutely.

He cut out a slice of the chocolate cake and placed it on a plate. Using a fork, he separated a bite-sized piece. Then, shifted his attention back to me, lifting the piece of cake to my mouth.

"Say ahh~" He said sweetly.

I opened my mouth and ate the cake. Food always tastes better when it's fed to you.

We repeated this action until half the slice was gone.

As he was about to fed me another bite, I frowned and he lowered the fork down.

"What's wrong Kurapika?" He gently remarked.

"What about you? Do you want cake?" I asked, pouting.

Leorio smiled, knowing what's coming next.

I took the fork out of his hands and copied his speech earlier.

"Say ahh~"

He smirked and ate the cake. We alternated feeding each
other until the slice was gone.

I'm going to miss having him around.

For the next 30 minutes or so, we sat and chatted until we finished the bottle of wine. The topic of discussion had moved to our exes.

Wow Leorio has had a LOT of exes.

"And then I think she broke up with me for ignoring her..." Leorio droned.

"Oh!" He smirked. "What about you Kurapika?"

"Me? Not really... You're my first."

I immediately realised what I had said and spun my head away, profusely blushing.

No way did I just say that!

He giggled to himself. "Glad to be your 'first'." He teased.

I slowly turned back to him and he spoke again. "So was I your first kiss?" He asked.

I looked down and nodded.

"What about sleeping in the same bed as someone?"

"Mhm." I replied.

He became very amused. He leaned forward to my ear. "Well I hope I can be your 'first' for a lot more things." He suggestively joked.

"Leorio!" I scolded, pushing him away.

He laughed and leaned back to my ear, planting a kiss on my ear, then to my cheek. He carefully pushed me down so that he was on top of me and went to kiss my lips.

"W-wait." I stammered. "You said you weren't going to do that..."

He sat up and did Scout's Honour with his right hand. "I promise it won't go further than this."

I was a bit hesitant at first. I don't want a re-run of last time... That was too much to handle... But, I trust Leorio.

"O-ok." I replied.

He smiled while leaning down to connect his lips to mine. Our lips made contact and began to move our mouths. Soon, the kiss started to get intense.

Leorio stopped for a second. "C-can I touch you?" He asked respectfully.

I nodded my head and pulled his shirt down so we could continue to make-out. Slowly, he started to guide his hand around the outline of my body. He soon made his way up to my hair. He tugged on it, causing the kiss to deepen once again.

I let go of his shirt and mimicked his actions, lightly pulling on his hair. I was expecting the kiss to become more passionate; instead- he stopped.

"Kurapika..." He whispered, trying to catch his breath.

I looked at him, confused.

"My arm is cramping, we're gonna have to stop."


I groaned in disappointment and we sat up. He rubbed his arm, mumbling incoherent curses under his breath.

"It's getting kind of late anyways. We should head to bed." I suggested.

He nodded. "You go on ahead, I need to put this cake away."

"Wow so responsible~" I teased as I made my way to the bedroom door.

He did a big fake smile. "Shut up~" He responded sarcastically.

I giggled and sat on the bed, soon to be joined by Leorio.

He lay down, his arms were behind his head as he looked up at the ceiling. "Man it feels good to sleep in a bed again."

I lay down next to him, squeezing my body into his. He brought his hands down and cradled me.

"I'm gonna miss this." He confessed.

"Me too."


Kurapika X Leorio - Behind the Scenes [a Hunter X Hunter fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now