23. Day 9

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Kurapika POV:

Sometime during our movie marathon, I had fallen asleep in Leorio's arms. However, in the morning, I had woken up on the bed, alone.

He must have carried me to bed... Damn I wish I was awake to see that... Where is he though? I always wake up before him.

I stretched my arms up and climbed out of bed, calmly walking to the bedroom door. As I opened it, Leorio wasn't to be seen anywhere in the apartment. I walked to the bathroom.

"Leorio?" I called. I slowly open the door.

"LEORIO!" I was greeted by a pool of blood, slowly dripping over to the shower.

I could only see Leorio's long legs hanging out from behind the shower curtain.

Without hesitation, I rushed over to him; as the shower curtain was pulled back, it revealed Leorio's bloody body. He was propped up against the wall, eyes shut and mouth agape.

"Leorio..." I whispered, in shock.

"Leorio?" I repeated, my voice becoming louder as my panic started to set.

I grabbed his shoulder and shock him. He didn't respond.

My whole body was shaking,my thoughts were scattered.

Help... I need to get help... I need to call someone. I can't leave him like this-

I quickly jumped up from the gruesome scene and grabbed his phone, dialing the number for an ambulance.

I raced back and my stomach dropped.

I hung up the phone.

There was a moment of silence between us. Leorio's smirk rapidly growing across his face; ready to explode at any moment.

"Fuck you Leorio." I said, flipping him off and walking back to bed.

"HAHAHA!" He boomed, roaring with laughter.

I heard him stand up and run the tap, still laughing to himself.

I sat on the bed and hid my smirk under the covers. I have to admit that was kind of funny...

His laughter eventually began to die down. He followed me to the bedroom but with one look at me, he erupted once again.

His laughter was contagious. "It's not that funny." I smirked.

"You're laughing!" He exclaimed as he made his way to me, joining me on the bed.

He giggled, trying to compose himself.

"You really scared me you know." I fake sulked but still half-serious.

"That was the point~" He said ruffling my hair.

I fell into his shoulder, we embraced for a minute; I was just glad he was safe.

His chest began to vibrate and small noises escaped his mouth.

He's laughing again...

I looked up at him, his eyes were watery, his face was red and making eye contact just tipped him over the edge once again.

He turned away, trying to hide his inevitable laughter.

"Leorio~" I whined "I'm embarrassed~" I leaned into him once again.

He spun me round to face him and pulled me inbetween his legs into a bear hug.

I could feel his body laughing yet he was speaking in a gentle voice. "You were so worried though~"

Our moment was disturbed by Leorio's house phone ringing.

He stood up and held me in his arms with ease; he stumbled to the phone in the living room while I was clung to his neck.


"Oh! Takeda-kun! How are you?"

"I'm fine, may I ask why you called?"


"Yeah, could you hold on for a second."

Leorio put the phone down.

"Do you want to go drinking with some of my old classmates?"

"Um... Ok." I smiled.

He nodded and brought the phone back to his ear.

"I'd love to, can I bring a friend?"

"Haha, no, not like that."

"I can? Great. Thank you!"

"Yeah, see you soon."


He slightly leaned back to get a full view of my face. "We're going to a bar at 6:30, ok?"

In response, I pressed my lips against his and tapped his shoulders to signal for him to put me down.

"Can you go clean the bathroom my darling Kurapikaaa~" He said in a sweet voice, slightly massaging my shoulders.

"You made the mess! Why should I clean it!" I playfully snapped.

He attacked my neck with kisses.

"Pleaseee... I brought ingredients for dinner for youu~" He begged.

"What's for dinner?" I asked.

"It's a surprise~" He began planting soft kisses on top of my head.

"Fine. I'll clean your silly mess. But you have to do the dishes after you cook."


I already know I'm gonna have to do the dishes later...


As I was trying to scrub away the fake blood stains all over the floor tiles, I smelt something delicious.

Is that bread? Why is he cooking bread?

"Leorio- What are you cooking?"

"Scones." He replied.

"For what?" I asked cluelessly

"Dinner of course! You said have it ready in an hour." He replied with glee once again.

"Oh okay... By the way I think your bathroom floor in stained... I've bleached it but it just made it worse... What are you going to tell your landlord?"

He looked a bit lost for a moment.

I'm not sure if he understood a word I just said...

"Well... Now that I'm a pro Hunter, I'll soon own this apartment complex!" He stated with confidence.

His lame jokes just make me so happy...

I giggled at him, blushing.


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