3. Give and Take

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Kurapika POV:

"Number 73 - Leorio's dorm"

I raise my fist to knock on the door - "I can't believe I get to see one of my friends so soon"

*knock* *knock* *knock*

I waited a little before I heard shuffling.


"OW!- FOR FUCKS SAKE!- UGHH!! WHO IS IT?" I heard Leorio shout.

I calmly called "um- it's Kurapika"

There was a pause before the door unlocked and Leorio appeared in front of me.

He was wearing grey sweatpants, a white vest, which seemed to have food stains traveling down it, he had uneven stubble and his hair was an overgrown mess.

"Heyyy Kura"

"Jesus Christ- what is that horrific stench!" I said with my hand covering my nose.

"That's the smell success baby" he said smugly as he leaned against the door. "I've spent so many hours building this aura-"

"ah!" I cut him off, remembering why I came here, "I need to talk to you about something. May I come in?"

"Ok" he said as he opening the door to reveal thousands of books and papers scattered throughout the room. "make yourself at home."

I sat on the sofa while Leorio was pouring me a glass of water.

"So how have you been these past 9 months"

the whole room smelt like sweat, body odour, coffee and ramen.

Leorio walked over and sat on the sofa next to me, putting down the two glasses of water.

"Well I've been fine- it's been hard keeping up with all my studies WHILE maintaining this beautiful face of mine" he smirked.

"tsk" he hasn't changed a bit "Luckily you don't have to pay for it then" I commented.

"OH I know!" he stretched arms out, falling into the sofa, "Could you IMAGINE the STRESS" he said dramatically as he brought the back of his hand to his forehead.

I smiled in response, oh no- what if I stress him out by telling him about the real exam...

"Oh!" he sprung up, "Why are you here? miss me?"

"I um-" how do I bring this up-

"Aww- you DO miss me, huh?"

I felt my face redden as I looked into his deep brown eyes.

We made eye-contact for what felt like minutes but were only a few seconds - his face was also reddening.

"Um" I looked at the books on the floor "We didn't pass the Hunter's exam" I muttered.

"What?" he said in a monotone voice.

I couldn't tell if he was shocked or didn't hear what I said - I don't want to add stress to his life - maybe I shouldn't have told him...

"We didn't pass? Kurapika, what do you mean?"

I swallowed.

"Well I mean- we passed THE exam but there's another exam"

Leorio starred at me blankly, creating a slightly awkward moment of silence.

"Ugh!" he yelled as he stood up and started tidying up his medical books.

oh no I've stressed him out- oh no I've really stressed him out- I knew I shouldn't have told him.


"Man! It's just exam after exam after exam!" he joked "I really can't catch a break!"

I looked over to him in confusion- was he joking? "Are you not mad?"

He walked back to the sofa and ruffled my hair.

"Kura, why would I be mad?"

"Well- now you have to take time out your studies and stuff.."

He smiled. "Ah, it's fine, when's the exam? I'll take it with you" He moved his hand from my hair to my shoulder.

Oh. I hadn't thought this far ahead.

"Well that's why I'm here" I said with fake confidence. "To teach you"

He pushed his glasses up with his middle finger. "Teach me what?" he questioned.



Kurapika X Leorio - Behind the Scenes [a Hunter X Hunter fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now