4. Learning Nen

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Leorio POV:

*2 hours of explaining later*

Goddamn how did I not know about Nen before? Who knew this whole other world existed right beside us? Imagine how this information will benefit the world of medicine!

"So are you ready to start learning Nen?" Kurapika finished.

"Hell yeah!" I said, I'm so ready.

"So let's begin training." Kurapika said as he stood up from the sofa and sat in an open space on the floor. I quickly followed and sat beside him.

"Um" he blushed, "I'm not really an expert at this kinda stuff yet- sorry if it doesn't work first time."

"It's ok, if worse comes to worse, you can always just punch me" I joked.

He frowned. "Don't joke about that Leorio. You could get seriously hurt."

We sat in a tense silence.

Wow - he's so... motherly. Cute...

"Well." I forced "Where do we begin?"

There was another small pause while Kurapika gathered his thoughts.

"Ok let's sit and close our eyes" I followed along. "Now just imagine every pore in your body is open... Leorio, untense your shoulders"

"I can't" I said.

Wow I've been studying so much my whole back is in knots.

"Oh" he said quietly as he made his way behind me, gently placing his hands on my shoulders. "I'll help you relax"

I felt my face start to burn and sweat start to form on my neck, at the same time he start to massage my shoulders. Slowly he made his way down my lower back and slowly he made is way back up to my shoulders.

I sat in silence. Mesmerized by this man who so elegantly untied the knots in my back. It felt... incredible, I've missed human contact so much these past 9 months. I let myself fall into his arms, my sleep deprived self slowly slipping into unconsciousness.


Kurapika POV:

"Leorio" nothing "Leorio" I nudged him. He's out cold.

He's so big - how am I meant to get him off of me?

"Um, Leorio... please go to bed"

He made some inaudible sounds until he finally groaned: "Carry me"

"I can't!" I stated.

"Mm" he shifted his body so he was lay directly on top of me. I was blushing.

"Leorio..." I admitted defeat and lay down fully. God it's so hot in here.


Kurapika X Leorio - Behind the Scenes [a Hunter X Hunter fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now