11. Day 3

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Kurapika POV:

Me and Leorio decided to take turns sleeping on the sofa, last night was my turn.

I woke up to the sound of the radio playing and Leorio not so quietly singing along while making breakfast.

He's so precious when he's off doing his own thing... Suddenly, I thought back to the kiss we shared 2 days ago.

Neither of us had mentioned anything... I wish I could kiss him again...

HUH? I shouted internally. I don't wanna kiss him again- what am I thinking!

Leorio still hadn't noticed me, he was spreading butter on his toast and so I quietly snuck up behind him.


He jumped a little and turned his head.

"Morning Kura!" he said in an unsettlingly happy tone.

"Why are you so happy?" I questioned.

"Well I get to make breakfast for you!" he smiled and turned back, this time adding spices and vegetables to an omelet.

I blushed.

Do I like him?

I thought back to his words a few days ago: 'If you want something, take it.'

I snuck up behind him and hugged his back, he flinched in response to my touch.

"Kurapika?" he said, spinning around.

"Can I have a hug?" I said, looking up into his eyes, smiling innocently.

He smiled warmly, as if he was expecting this, he bent down as if to hug me but instead, he lifted me up.

"Leorio-!" I yelped. I threw my arms around his neck to ensure I didn't fall.

"You said you wanted a hug" I couldn't see his face but I knew he was a pulling a I-know-you-like-this expression.

He slid his hands from under my arms, to my waist and pulled me closer to his body. To add support, I wrapped my legs around his body and squeezed him into an even tighter hug.

We remained in that position, bonding without words, sharing each other's intimacy. I wasn't expecting this at all but- it was kinda nice.

"We should do this more often." Leorio whispered.

I burried my face in his neck, "mm" I responded.

The feeling of Leorio's chest vibrating as he spoke sent me into a state of euphoria. I relaxed my eyes and body, however keeping enough strength not to fall.

My euphoria was interrupted by the smell of burning, I shoot open my eyes to see the omelet smoking.

"Leorio! The omelet!" I called as I squirmed.

He calmly and gently placed me on the kitchen counter, turning off the flame and moving the pan with the now charred, black omelet inside.

He scratched the back of his head, blushing. "Well." he looked at the spoilt breakfast and then back at me. "I'll make you another one." he laughed in embarrassment.

Just as he was about to crack other egg he looked at me, "Why don't you go sit on the sofa?" I nodded and complied.


Leorio POV:

Me and Kurapika enjoyed our breakfast on the sofa, watching TV. It was slightly tense due to our moment earlier. It felt like we were both holding ourselves back from doing it again.

"We need to clean this apartment." Kurapika said.

I looked around, "Nah it's clean enough." I slightly smirked and looked at him, his face furrowed at the fact I'd just shoot him down.

"Leorio it's disgusting in here!" He stood up. "Start getting ready, we're leaving to buy cleaning supplies in 30 minutes."

"Mhm." I replied, and with that, he grabbed some clothes from my room and took to the shower.

Time skip 30 minutes

I'd just gotten out the shower and was getting changed.

"Leorio hurry up!" Kurapika called from the living room.

"Argh! Give me a second." I buttoned my top button and left my room. "I would have been done by now if you hadn't taking so long in the shower." I teased.

He blushed. "Whatever. Let's go." He opened the door and we made our way to the supermarket.

Back at home

"Did you buy enough?" I said sarcastically as I brought two bags of cleaning products into the room.

Kurapika rolled his eyes at me. "I don't think I brought enough." He said half-sarcastically. He took the bags I was carrying from me, our hands softly grazed.

"Ok. You need to pick up everything on the floor and I'll clean the bathroom." he stated.

"What! This was your idea! I'm not doing anything." I sulked as I walked past him to sit on the sofa.

He grabbed my wrist and coldly looked at me. "That wasn't a question." He smiled. "Ok?"

Damn he takes cleaning seriously... he'll make a great husband one day.

I nodded as he walked into the bathroom with one of the bags.

~25 minutes later

Kurapika POV:

I'd finally cleaned the bathroom and put the products in their respective places under the sink.

Not the best cleaning job but certainly an improvement. I wonder how Leorio's getting along.

I walk out the bathroom too see Leorio alseep on the sofa. His body was sprawled across the seat, his mouth was hanging open and his glasses were in his hand.


I walk over to him, and stood behind the sofa. Placing my hands on his shoulders, I bent down and pecked his forehead.

I shouldn't be doing this. This is so selfish. This is as far as I'm allowed to go.

As if he read my mind, Leorio grabbed my hands. I jumped in a panic.

Oh no. He was awake the whole time.

He slid my hands down his chest until my face was near his.

"Well? Kurapika?" he said quietly.

I was trapped. I'd tried to escape but he held me tight.

"S-sorry" I mumbled.

He let go of one of my hands but continued to hold the other. Since he was sat at the end of the sofa, he guided me around the side and sat me in-between his legs.

He wrapped both his arms and legs around my body, holding me in a bear-hug.

"What's all this about Kurapika?" He smirked.

I looked down, my face a crimson red. He'd locked my arms inside the hug and so I had no choice but to answer.



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