25. Day 10

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Kurapika POV:

I woke up in bed with Leorio, his arm was resting under my head so I took the opportunity to roll to his side and burry myself in his chest.

My head was throbbing from the hangover I had. The bed sheets were stained with the stench of alcohol.

I soon began to wake Leorio up. I slowly planed kisses all over his neck and down his torso.

"Morning Leorio~" I said sweetly.

He stirred around, I felt his heartbeat immediately start increasing.

"Kurapika?" A foreign voice asked.

That's not Leorio!

I immediately shot up, as did he.

"Who are you!" I cried, scooting away while covering my body.

"I can explain!" He yelled, loud enough for Leorio to hear.

We looked as scared as eachother, I wasn't sure what happened but the man's shy presence helped to calm me down.

"W-what's your name first?" I whimpered.

The door burst open.

"SAISHO!" Leorio shouted, smoke coming out his ears, his face was red and he was clearly irritated from his own hangover.

"Leorio!" Me and Saisho said in unison.

Why do I feel like I've been caught cheating? He looks pissed...

"Kurapika come here." He demanded.

I took the covers off and I was naked. Somehow I began panicking moreso than earlier.

Did we have sex... What happened last night? What am I gonna say to Leorio?

Upon discovering my exposed body, I quickly pulled the covers back over myself and looked at Leorio with pure fear. Fear I'd done things with a stranger. Fear that he'd misunderstand. Fear that we'd leave eachother on bad terms.

All three of us were shocked.

"I-I can explain, Leorio" Saisho said timidly. "W-we didn't do anything..."

Thank the lord...

"Please listen Leorio..." He added.

Leorio took a deep breath and walked further into the room. "Please go wait of the sofa... I need to talk to Kurapika." He quietly grumbled.

Saisho quickly nodded and scurried out the room, closing the door behind him.

"Thank god you're ok." He said with relief as he rushed to sit next to me, pulling me into a loving hug as he did so.

"I'm ok... Just a little shocked." I smiled.

He pulled away and examined my upper body. "You sure nothing happened?"

"Mhm..." I answered. Leorio tried to pull the covers off my lower half. "Leorio! Your friend is right next door!" I quietly muttered.

"I'm just joking~" He giggled. "How's your head? You drank last night didn't you?"

"Yeah... My head really hurts... I've never had a hangover before..." I admitted, holding a hand my head.

"Wait you've drank before right?" He asked with a bit of underlying worry.

"No... This is my first time..."

"Ouch... Hangovers are always the worst first time... Ok. Get dressed and I'll get you some water. Come out when you're ready."

I nodded and he made his way  to the kitchen, leaving me to have to collect my clothes that were scattered across the room.

Ah... My last day with Leorio and I feel sick...

I collect my clothes, lugging myself around the room as I did so.

The atmosphere throughout the apartment was tense. That was until I heard Leorio's loud laugh echo around the room; accompanied by Saisho's small giggle.

I mean they ARE friends afterall... Of course Leorio couldn't stay mad...

Before getting fully changed, I'd fallen asleep on floor.


I woke up to gentle nudges. This time I knew for sure it was Leorio.

"Kurapika wake up, you need to drink some water." He said gently.

He propped me up and helped me drink from a glass.

"Saisho's gone, he explained everything to me. Don't worry." He reassured me.

"I'm sorry... I should have been more responsible..." I rambled.

"It's ok to let loose sometimes Kurapika." He giggled and put his arm around me.

"Oh... Saisho left you his number." He reluctantly confessed.

I giggled. "Jealous~"


We both laughed together.

"Let's go to the living room, I ordered some pizza for your hangover."

In response, I moved closer and climbed into his lap; silently asking him to carry me, which he did.

Right as he lay me onto the sofa, the doorbell rang.

Leorio walked to the door and came back with two boxes of pizza.

"Great timing!" He joked.


We were so deep in conversation, I hadn't realised we'd already finished the pizza.

We were talking about our dreams and our plans for the future.

He won't admit it, but it seems like he really wants a girlfriend... I think he's afraid of being alone...

I think the biggest thing about this conversation was realising we're not in eachother's futures. While he was talking, my mind started to think about it.

Do we really like eachother? Or are we just... Bored? Are we really just experimenting? When we inevitably leave one another, will I actually miss Leorio or will I miss the attention he gives me?

"Hey Kurapika, we'll still meet up in York New right?" He quietly asked.

I have a lot to do in York New... I'm not sure if I could meet with him...

I smiled and nodded, despite being unsure of the future.


I'll get over him eventually...

Kurapika X Leorio - Behind the Scenes [a Hunter X Hunter fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now