26. Day 10 pt2

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Leorio POV:

The final hours of my last day with Kurapika are ticking away... I've made sure to hug him tighter; to kiss him for longer, to spend more time with him.

Once he's gone, he's gone...

Him and I were cuddling on the sofa, I held him as a baby as he quietly napped in my arms.

"I'm gonna miss you..." I whispered.

Don't cry Leorio. Rich people don't cry.

A single tear escaped my eye and landed on Kurapika's neck, causing him to wake up; he's always been such a light sleeper... So cute...

"It's ok, you can cry Leorio." He hummed, wiping the trail of water from my cheek.

I held him close. We couldn't be closer. Yet. He felt so far away.

I needed to be as close to him as possible.

"It's about 8pm... What do you want to do?" He whispered, somewhat suggestively.

I felt my face light up and I pushed him away to look him in the eyes. "You mean- We can-" I asked excitedly.

His face immediately flushed with embarrassment. "No... I meant like playing a game or something..." He said in an apologetic tone.


I've just made things uncomfortable... On our last day too.

"Let's go for a drive!" He awkwardly gleamed.


And with that, we were on the road. We drove towards the setting sun on the motorway; there weren't many cars around at this hour. It was peaceful. Kurapika held my hand while we were driving, only letting go when I had to change gear.

We drove for about 20 minutes. We had started to drive through some country roads which led to a grassy hill. The hill owned the perfect view of the roads we were driving on earlier.

The sun had set, leaving a dark purple sky in its place; stars had began to scatter the sky and the moon shone down on the highest point of the hill.

Hand in hand, we trudged up the hill and sat together in the twilight.

"This is nice..." He sighed.

I gently nodded in agreement. "It'd be so romantic to... Kiss here~" I flirted.

He blushed and moved his face closer to mine. I closed the gap between us; I briefly moved away while I gently pushed him down on the grass.

It was such a sloppy kiss... I wanted more... I wanted it to last forever...

I pulled back to try catch my breath, as I pulled away a line of saliva connected our lips. I slowly wiped it away and bent down for seconds. However, Kurapika had cupped his face.

"What's wrong~" I delicately asked.

"You're really-" He cut himself off. "-Attractive sometimes..." He eventually admitted.

"What do you mean 'sometimes'"  I joked, causing him to relax and remove his hands.

We snuggled together in the dark night; any fragment of the sun had disappeared. Kurapika was wearing my jacket and shivered while he squeezed up close to me.

"We can go home if you're cold..." I suggested.

"Not yet... Who knows when we'll get another moment like this..."


Getting home wasn't very different; we continued to lay in one another's arms, trying to make the most of every second we had left together.

The atmosphere was strange... We were both so calm yet anxious, so happy yet- sad.

"What time is your flight tomorrow?" I quietly asked.

"10am..." He replied, clearly not wanted to talk about the future.

"I'll drive you." I stated with a weak smile.

He returned my expression. "Okay."


We lay in bed, it was just before midnight but both of us were wide awake.

I want to leave a final impression. He won't let me...

Kurapika was midway through telling me a story from high school when I leaned towards him and began to kiss his neck.

"Leorio- what are you doing?" He giggled.

My teeth latched onto a spot nearer to his collarbone and I bit, leaving a clear mark in the spot.

I looked up to him, his face was red with a shocked look.

"I'm not going to be able to do this at the airport~" I teased, knowing he'd get flustered.

After I said that, he immediately threw the covers over his face.

"That's disgusting." He laughed. I wasn't sure if he was joking or not.

That's as far as I can go... I need to respect him...

I rolled onto my back and sighed, I carefully closed my eyes until I felt Kurapika turn towards me.

He ran his fingers down my body, slightly grazing over my lower area as he placed his hand on my thigh.

He began to copy my movements and started to suck on a part of my neck under my ear.

Everyone will see the hickey if he does that...

To Kurapika's surprise, I grabbed his wrist and pulled it to my lower region. He continued to kiss my neck and I squeezed his wrist, causing him to also squeeze what was in his hand.

That's when he caved; he retracted his hand and stopped kissing my neck.

"Leorio it's embarrassing..." He whimpered.

"I win~" I sang, pulling him into a bear hug.


That was our last memory together. The next day, he packed his things and left.


He did leave one thing... A letter.


During the month we've spent together, I've been the happiest I've been in a long time. Thank you for being the one to make my loneliness less lonely, a shoulder to cry on and someone to share memories with.
Out of everyone it could have been, the one I least expected was you. We have so many differences but we do have one thing in common:
We just want someone to love.
I don't know what we had, was it love? Or did we just want to pretend it was. I think only time will tell.
Speaking of the future, this morning, you asked me if I was going to meet up with you in York New. Well... The answer is, I don't know.
I don't know what my exact job will be. I think you know more than anyone the lengths I would go to to avenge my clan. Even if that does mean leaving you.
These past ten days have felt like a dream. Sometimes I stop and think 'is this really happening?'
You helped me forget.
Even if it was temporarily.
Thank you.



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