Chapter 9

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Warning: I hope you have tissues.... Because this chapter is about to be very sad, I apologize in advance.



"Any sign of him?" Keith asked his husband who had walked into the house.

Lance shook his head. "Nothing."

It's been a month since the whole Lotor incident, and there was still no sign of him. It made Keith worry, a lot. He was still convinced Lotor was planning something, something big and he was going to act quickly and quietly so no one would see it coming.

Oh, it was also Thursday. Kosmo's appointment day.

"I'll find him." Lance promised.

"Okay, I trust you." Keith sighed. "I'm going to take Kosmo to his appointment, you wait for the kids and watch Hunter."

"You got it." Lance pecked Keith's forehead and picked Kosmo up, making Hunter let out a whine as Lance took the dog and walked outside to put him in the passenger seat of the car. "Keep me updated."

Keith nodded and said goodbye before driving away. He occasionally looked at Kosmo, who panted heavily in the passenger seat.

He knew what was going to happen, and what he was going to have to do was going to be the hardest step. Kosmo was a big piece in Keith's life, loosing the dog was going to have a major impact on him. But Keith couldn't stand watching his best friend be in pain every single day.

He walked into the vet's office awaiting for the vet to appear. His heart pounded against his chest as he swallowed the ball in his throat. There was no way he was going to cry, not here.

Keith stroked Kosmo's back soothingly. "It'll be alright."

Back home, Lance answered questions from his teenagers.

"Where's Kosmo?" Sofia frowned.

"At the vet." Lance answered.

"Is he going to be okay?"

"We aren't sure yet. I'm waiting for your mother to text me. You guys can go and do what you normally do and I'll let you know when I get a text." Lance told them.

Sofia frowned as she walked into her room, taking her homework out of her backpack. Kosmo was going to be okay right? He wasn't going to - No. Sofia shook her head and sat at her desk, doing her homework to distract her of her thoughts. Think positive. Kosmo was going to be okay.

Georgia lied in her bed, her book in her hands even though she wasn't paying attention to it. Her thoughts were focused on Kosmo. The dog was there when Keith and Lance took her in, Kosmo has been apart of Georgia's life. She knew at some point, the circle of life would have to take it's course. She didn't have time to prepare herself for it. No, this is something you couldn't prepare yourself for.

The twins sat on the couch, once again playing Minecraft. Neither of them spoke to each other, as they played. But, the two were thinking the same thing. Kosmo wasn't going to be around any longer.

The house was silent, besides the small noises that came from Hunter and her toys. Lance sat at the table, his hands clasped together, resting underneath his chin. His leg bounced up and down under the table, his phone rested in fronted of him. He was waiting. Waiting for Keith to text him about Kosmo.

"Omo?" Hunter asked, grabbing onto Lance's leg. "Omo?"

Omo, Hunter's way of saying Kosmo. Lance didn't know what to tell her, so by distracting her he said, "Where's Eren?"

"Eri!" She giggled, making her way over to him.

Lance watched as the baby placed herself in Eren's lap, watching with amusement and curiosity as the boy played the game.

A buzz caught the father's attention. Lance quickly grabbed his phone and immediately looked at the text.

Come to the vet asap. Bring the kids with you. It's time to say goodbye.

The car ride to the vet was silent beside the sniffles and whimpers coming out of Sofia's mouth. Georgia sat in the passenger seat, clenching her shirt tightly as she held back the tears. The twins sat in the very back, each staring out the window. Hunter sat in her car seat, watching the trees fly by.

Keith greeted the family with a small hi as they walked into the vet. He took them back to the examination room, where Kosmo lied on the table, perking up when they entered.

The vet came in a few minutes later with two needles on a tray.

When Georgia seen the needles, she lost it. Her body shook with sobs, as she reached down to hug Kosmo. "You'll be okay." She cried. "It's going to be okay. I love you buddy. So so much."

Sofia walked over next and patted the dog down his back and then his stomach, where he loved to be pet the most. She leaned down and kissed the dog as tears rolled down her face. "I'll miss you Kosmo. I love you."

The twins stepped up and each petted Kosmo one last time. "Bye Kosmo." They gave Kosmo a hug.

"Omo!" Hunter cried out, reaching for the dog.

Lance stepped closer to Kosmo, letting Hunter pet and hug the dog one more time.

"I'm going to step out. I can't watch." Georgia whispered, plucking Hunter out of Lance's arms.

"That's fine." Lance told her.

Keith gave the vet a nod and she moved closer. The first needle was a sedative, it was going to make sure Kosmo was comfortable for the vein injection of euthanasia.

Sofia distracted herself and Kosmo by petting the dogs head. "It's going to be okay. Just think, you'll get to eat all the dog treats whenever and wherever you want."

The family couldn't watch the vein injection, Keith clenched his eyes shut while Lance looked at the ground. The twins and Sofia kept their gazes locked on Kosmo.

It didn't take long for Kosmo's eyelids to drop shut. Sofia let out a sob as the dog stopped breathing.

Her body shook harshly as her knee's buckled beneath her. Lance was quick to move to catch Sofia from falling. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder's as he pulled her closer.

"It's going to be okay." He whispered.

The wait to get Kosmo's ashes took about 30 minutes, but the family refused to go anywhere. They had gotten the ashes put in five separate necklaces, as much as Keith wanted to have Kosmo close to him, he decided it would be better for the teens and Hunter to have him close instead.

It was going to take some times to get used to the fact that Kosmo wasn't going to be greeting them as they walked in the door. He wasn't going to follow them around the house, whining and begging for attention or even to go out for walks.

It was going to take a lot of time to get used to the fact that,

Kosmo was gone.

Her Bad Lovergirl (Sequel to My Bad Loverboy)Where stories live. Discover now