Chapter 31

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Have a calm, short chapter



Sofia lied in Keith's old bed at Krolia's house. Her hand lied across her stomach as music played in the background.

In her other hand, she twirled a marker, wondering if she should write to Juno or not. She needed to find out where she was, because if not, they were both going to suffer through the pains of being apart.

She was slowly learning more about soulmates, being told the same thing her siblings were, but there was one question that lingered on her mind. She thought of this question because of Juno.

With a sigh, Sofia slowly got out of bed, walking down the hallways to where her family was sitting around the dining room table.

Lance looked up noticing the girl leaning against the wall as she walked over. She still had her stitches in, so even walking still hurt.

He left the table, walking over to his daughter's side. "What are you doing out of bed?" He asked, his hand out.

"I didn't want to stare at the ceiling anymore." She mumbled, taking her dads hand. "Besides, I have a question."

Lance helped over to the dining table. She sat on the chair with a groan.

"I'll get the meds." Keith said, leaving the table.

"No mom! Not the meds!" Sofia pleaded.

Keith ignored her pleas and continued to the kitchen.

"Dad, you have to stop him!" Sofia begged.

"Sorry, Sof. I'm already in a hole, don't want to dig myself deeper." Lance replied while the others watched with amusement.

Sofia crossed her arms, grumbling and winced in pain.

"Here." Keith spoke, setting a glass of water and a white pill in front of her.

The sixteen year old glared at the pill.

"You said you had a question?" Pidge piped up, breaking the girls staring contest.

"I do." Sofia spoke softly. "In order to reject your soulmate, do you have to be face to face with them?"

The room went silent as Keith and Lance looked at each other.

Shiro cleared his throat and looked at his niece. "Why are you asking, Sofia?"

The girl quickly grabbed the pill and shoved it in her mouth, downing it with water.

"You're thinking of rejecting Juno, aren't you?" Keith spoke.

"I-I don't know." Sofia said. "It's just, after everything that happened, how can I trust her? How can I know that she won't keep things from me? I mean, I understand that there are things that people can keep to themselves, but isn't communication key in a relationship? You know what, I don't even know if I want to be in a relationship anymore."

Keith went to say something, but a sniffle and a tear that fell from his daughters eye stopped him.

"It's stupid! Everything is just so stupid!" Sofia cried. "Why didn't she talk to me? Why didn't she tell me!? Years! For years I believed I was part of the percentage that didn't have a soulmate! Then I met her, she told me she didn't have a soulmate. I was happy to meet someone who didn't have a soulmate." She gripped the bottom of her shirt. "Then Lotor came, he was the one who got her to join them, she helped them. I was lied to, betrayed. How do I know I can trust her? After everything she's done, everything she's said."

She got up from her chair. "Sorry, it was stupid question." She then began to walk to her room but let out a groan of frustration. "Dad can you-"

Lance picked her up, leaving the room with the girl.

"Told you."

Keith turned around to see Georgia and Chris at the front door.

"She broke Sofia, and for that, I won't ever forgive her."

The two then left, walking down the hallway.

Keith dragged his hands down his face a sigh escaping his lips.

"You okay Keith?"

"There's so much going on." Keith mumbled. "I got to stop Georgia and Lance from teaming up and going after Juno, I got to help Sofia get through everything, and on top of that Lotor is still out there, missing."

"Everything's going to be okay." Shiro said. "We'll figure everything out."

~With Lance and Sofia~

"To answer your question, you do need to be face to face with the person you're rejecting." Lance told Sofia, setting her on the bed.

"Would you try to stop me if I ended up wanting to reject her?" Sofia mumbled, looking up at her father.

Lance let out a sigh and sat on the edge of the bed. "No, I won't stop you. I mean, I may get you to rethink it, but I'll support you no matter what. If you think rejecting Juno is the best thing, then go for it."

"I don't know what to do." Sofia whispered. "I don't want to loose her, but everything she's done, it hurt, but I understand why she's done it."

"Sofia, do you think Juno deserves another chance?" Lance asked softly. "Do you want to give her another chance?"

Sofia didn't say anything as she stared at her father.

"If you still want her with you, give her another chance. She has her father back, right?" Lance said. "She almost has everything she wants."

"What do you mean?"

Lance smiled and lifted up a marker. "Talk to her." He replied, looking at the writing on Sofia's arm. "And then decide what you want."

Biting her lip, Sofia took the marker. "Dad, you like Juno? Don't you."

Lance put a finger to his lips, making a shushing sound. "That's a secret between you and I. But if she does hurt you once more, I can't promise I'll like her anymore."

"Okay, I'm going to talk to her." Sofia said.

"You do that, we'll be out in the dining room. Shout if you need us, don't get up again, we don't want your stitches getting ripped out." 

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