Chapter 17

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I apologize if a part was repeating from one of the other chapters. I just can't find the chapter that Sofia may have asked about it. So Just let me know if I did happen to repeat it!

^^ It's about Sofia asking about Lance's Father and Siblings by the way!



"How do we know we can trust her?" Krolia asked, her arms crossed.

"If she was going to do something to Keith, she would've when she found him." Pidge spoke.

"Yeah, but that's also how Lotor works." Lance retorted, two fingers tapping against his forehead as he continued. "He gets in your head. Gets you to think you can believe a person when in the end they only betray you."

Sofia, Georgia and the twins shared a look as their parents turned to each other.

"You know Pidge is right." Keith said. "It was only me. They could've done whatever they wanted right then and there."

"Keith, I don't know." Kora sighed, a hand under her chin. "You know I trust you and everything, but Alice is working with Lotor. And, I understand she's my sister and all but..."

"Kora, aren't you the one who's always giving people second chances?" Keith asked.

"Yes, because most people deserve them." Kora spoke, her arms moving to her stomach. "But they don't deserve any second chances! After everything they did! They kidnapped Sofia and Liam for godsakes! Not just that, but they turned Juno against Sofia! They don't deserve anything!" She took a moment to lower her voice as Alec placed a hand on her arm. "We can't trust her. I'm sorry."

Sofia took a step back, standing next to Keith. "I think we should give her a shot." She said. "Just don't spare any details. So, not telling her where we are or who's here. We don't tell her anything personal either. If we don't take this risk, then who knows when we'll be able to take him down."

"Sofia..." Liam bit his lip. "You seen how they w-"

"No." Sofia shook her head. "You seen how he was."

Then an argument broke out. You had people who were willing to take the risk of trusting Alice and then those who didn't think it was a good idea.

"Hey! Hey!" Hunk snapped, shutting everyone up immediately. "Do you see what's happening?"

"We need to come to a decision." Shay said gently. "I understand that we have reasons not to trust her. But she's also the only lead we have. If she can stay true to her word, that she'll let us know what's happening on her end, then we trust her."

Kolivan placed the palms of his hands on the table, catching everyone's attention. "Like Shay and Sofia said, we give her a shot. Don't tell her where we are, don't give out anything personal, and do not give out information on who's here. If she can stay true to her word, then we let her know more a little bit at a time."

Lance shook his head and left the room, not wanting to hear anymore.

"Mom." Sofia mumbled, watching as Lance left. "You guys are going to be okay... Right?"

Keith sighed, feeling a weight get pushed down on his shoulders. "We'll be alright. Your father just needs a minute."

He felt bad for lying to her. But Sofia hated it when the fought. But then again, didn't every child hate it when their parents argued?

But in total honesty, he didn't know what was going to come next.

"I'm going to meet up with Zara." Sofia murmured before leaving the room.

Her Bad Lovergirl (Sequel to My Bad Loverboy)Where stories live. Discover now