Chapter 28

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So, I think I just found my Bearded Dragons favorite show. I put on Voltron, gave him his favorite blanket, and now he's just laying on a pillow, watching Voltron, moving backwards or shoves his head in his blanket every time Zarkon comes on screen.

Also, I don't remember if I've ever had a last name for Pete. Alice and Jared's last name is the same as their mothers and I've never made one for Kora before I changed it to Kogane, so if I did ever have a last name for the asshole, could you let me know? For now, we'll put a random name.



The beeping sound of the heart monitor filled the quiet room.

Sofia lied in the hospital bed, connected to IV's. A feeding tube was shoved down her throat.

Next to her, Keith was hunched over the side of the bed, his head in his hands. Georgia sat in another chair, holding Hunter who was fast asleep in her arms, next to Georgia was Chris who's hands were intertwined and under his chin as he stared out the window. Jared and Alice sat at the window, not doing anything.

The faint noises from the TV, came in and out. The TV was so quiet you could barely hear anything, but the subtitles on the screen helped with that.

They had gotten to the hospital to late. Sofia had already slipped into a coma, doctors have no clue when she'll wake up. She had lost a lot of blood, but luckily, Keith had the same blood type.

Lotor, Narti, Zethrid, Pete, Lloyd and Juno were all missing. They weren't there when the adults had shown up.


The male looked up to see Shiro now in the doorway, Adam, Jack, Eren and Liam all in tow.

"Any sign of him?" Keith asked quietly.

Shiro shook his head. "Still nothing. He's not at Rosa's, nor Krolia's. We even went back to your place but he's still not there."

"Where the hell is he?" Keith said, voice cracking. "I know he's pissed, hurt even. But we, I, need him."

Lance had been missing ever since he left the night before. Keith was sure he just needed time for himself, to cool down, but he still wasn't back, he wasn't answering anyone's calls or messages, not even Keith's writing was getting him to answer.

"I'm going to go and check the station, but first." Shiro turned to Georgia. "Georgia, why don't you come with me to get changed?"

Georgia's shirt and pants were stained with blood, but she could careless.

"What about-"

"Georgia, Sofia will be fine." Keith told her. "You go and get changed, grab something to eat and then you can come back here. You too, Chris."

Georgia hesitated for a moment.

"Georgia." Keith said gently. "Sofia isn't going anywhere."

Georgia nodded and handed Hunter over to Eren, who had his arms held out for the baby.

Georgia, Chris and Shiro all left while Adam, Jack and Liam all pulled up a chair.

Adam sat next to Keith. "You know, she's going to be okay. She's just like you. She just needs some rest and then she'll be up and kicking before we know it."

"I hope so." Keith mumbled.

"I received the car." Kora announced, entering the room.

Keith just nodded and then the room went silent once again.

"Lotor....Pete.... Break out."

Keith looked up at the TV where pictures of Pete, Lotor and Lloyd rested on the screen, the images were on the right side of the screen.

"A few months ago, Lotor Dibazaal escaped from jail with the help of his comrades. Last night, between 9 and 10 in the evening, Pete Knowles and Lloyd Silver went missing after visiting these nurses." A video surveillance of Alice and Sofia dressed up as nurses appeared on the left side of the screen. "Police have reasons to believe that these two women were involved both incidents."

Keith looked over at Alice who wrapped her arms around herself before he looked down at Sofia.

"Sorry, I may end up with a criminal record."

"Who knew." Keith chuckled, brushing Sofia's hair back. "Who knew you were the one to end up with a record."

. . . .

Georgia sat next to Sofia, singing quietly as she did so.

"Loving you is a loosing game."

Keith, Adam and Jack had went down to the cafeteria, going to a snack for Hunter. Jared, Alice, Liam, Eren and Chris had went for a walk, leaving Georgia alone with Sofia.

"How many pennies in the slot."

With a sigh, Georgia leaned back in her chair.

"You know, Sofia. Police are out looking for you and Alice. But since the two of you had such awesome disguises, I don't think they'll find out it was you. Unless some rats you guys out that is."

The girl looked out the window as she continued.

"We haven't seen dad since last night. Everyone's worried. He stormed out after he seen you. It's not your fault or anything!" Georgia rushed out. "It's mine. I was the one who encouraged Aunt Kora to get you from the prison. I'm so stupid, Sof. If I wasn't so protective, you wouldn't be here, we wouldn't be in this position. I know you would it say it's not my fault, that it was Lotor's, but this time, I don't think anything can change my mind."

Georgia shook her head and took Sofia's hand in hers. "What am I going to do with you? Always getting into to trouble. Mom and Dad should've put Trouble as your middle name." She giggled. "Getting mixed up with the baddest girl in the school, creating dangerous but great plans."

"Getting into fights." Eren piped up.

Georgia turned and seen her brothers, soulmate, Alice and Jared standing in the doorway.

"Knocking people out with one simple kick." Chris chuckled.

"I'm starting to think Sofia is the baddest out of all of us." Liam laughed.

"She's the strongest too." Eren said.

"All of you are strong."

The kids turned around to see Keith in the doorway, Hunter in front of him, a big grin on her face.

"You're only teenagers, and look at everything you're going through." Keith continued.

"He's right you know."


Georgia and her brothers shot forward, arms wrapping around Lance who let out a grunt as he was tackled into the floor.

"I don't care how mad you get! But next time you do that, I'm getting Abuela's sandal!" Georgia scolded.

"Okay, okay." Lance chuckled. "I'm sorry, but I had to go get two people. One who knows Lotor like the back of her hand."

Keith's eyes widened for a moment before a smile came to his face.


Her Bad Lovergirl (Sequel to My Bad Loverboy)Where stories live. Discover now